The Royalty

The Royalty

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System is a universal cash exchange system.  It is a spiritual based system.

The system has been in operation for over two years, and has proven to be safe, secure, and efficient. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System was created by The Royal Queen. Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System has built in guidelines, and mechanisms, that enable the system to be in the correct situations. This means that there are some transactions that  can and can not be done. The system is not eligible to be used for what is deemed, unsuitable or ineligible practices, purchases, or transactions in advance because safeguards are built in.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System can be used for offline, and suitable online transactions. The built in safety features protect against specific fraudulent situations, transactions, or interactions.

The Royalty

The Royalty is a Spiritual Based Coin. The Royalty is the official Coin of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. It is based on a gold standard. The Royalty is stored in spiritual based bank accounts, and your information is kept secure with the safeguards that are built in, such as the unique identifier system. This extra measure provides you with the piece of mind that you need.

The Royalty can be exchanged with most currencies. There is no fee associated with exchanging currencies. Sending money is secure and safe.

Unique Identifiers

The Unique Identifier system is a secure way of verifying the identify of an individual, utilizing only uniquely identified information available only to that individual.

They are more secure than passwords, and user names. They are more secure than swipe cards, because they are ever present. They are a spiritually based product, and they are revolutionary in the way they do things.

The funds are stored in spiritual based accounts. These spiritual based accounts are kept secure, and your details private. The funds are then sent by logging into your account, confirming your identity, and advising which account you would like to have the funds sent, transferred from, or received into. You can even set up reoccurring payments with these accounts. Thus paying your bills on a reoccurring basis.

The Royalty and The Royal Queen Authority Financial System have been used by millions of individuals.

Parallel Timelines

Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Parallel Timelines

The Royal Queen who is a spiritual queen as well as an earth province queen, and as such has created a vast spiritual empire, who’s presence is being felt on earth province. She is the reigning and governing body spiritually, and her items have recreated the heavens and beyond, so that you have one of the most
advanced societies ever created.

Her spiritual influence is starting to be felt on the face of the planet, and until she can come into her own, she still has to face all her detractors, or obstacles as she calls them.

The obstacles created a situation recently, a takeover attempt of her spiritual kingdom, by trying to create separate timelines, where the individuals from the old monarchy were showing up as kings, and queens, which was the worst takeover bid ever.

The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, was successfully abel to foil the local monitoring teams from taking over her kingdom, but strict rules and regulations were then implemented, as were strict fines and penalties.

The plot was quite brilliant, just create separate timelines, using the items The Royal Queen had created, with a few different exceptions to the rules such as who the rightful rulers were, and transport her citizens there, and no one would ever know the difference, they would likely think her kingdom had been taken over.

Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.The timelines included such neat items such as:

-The Fully Functioning Foundling Homes
-The Royal Queen Authority Financial System
-The Royal Queens, Royal Threat Assessment Team Office
-The Royal Queens Security Clearances
-The Royal Queen Support Services System (Help Me GRID)
-A Spiritual Place
-The Family Units
-The Knowledge base
-Personal Identifiers
-The Maximum and minimum holding facilities
-The Royal Queen Luxury Hotels
-The Royal Queen’s Fine Food Stores
-The Royal Milk
-The Royal Queens Fresh Food Stores
-The Fully Functioning Fees and Fines office
-The Restoration and rehabilitation centers
-The Treasuries and bank accounts

A quick list of some of the items that were duplicated on these separate timelines, and used in a take over bid and attempt. Upon discovering the treachery, which had been ongoing for months, she foiled some of the plot, by restricting new timeline creations, requesting that such previous timelines be archived, and that citizens (spiritual) being held against their will be returned, unharmed.

All her items are required to be back into her realm, or original timeline, and negotiations are still ongoing for the safe return of some of her citizens. The citizens were encouraged to use The New Kingdom resources available to them, to try to escape back to their original world, or timeline.

Many tried logging into their natural courses outcome, using the treasuries to escape, the family units, or even the quilts. It was and is a truly trying time for The Royal Queen, because the obstacles are many, and she is one person trying to make a difference in the world.

On an upbeat note, The Royal Queen joined forces with several dozen fandomes, who think her ongoing adventure meats their wants and needs, thus one of the most interesting, and unique fandome unions were created.

On and also suitable upbeat manner, The Royal Queen created an international treaty with the prime minister of a suitable country, which means that international warrants, can now be issued, which is truly suitable if spiritual crimes, or even spiritual crimes with earth province implications are going to be dealt with in an effective manner.

Frequency suit crimes are decreasing continually, and some of the problems that the Robot Sentient Research Project created are being dealt with more effectively. Crime can now be address at the spiritual level, by having
perpetrators pay their annual fees and entries fees, and then be transported to the maximum or minimum holding facilities. The frequencies suits can now also in some case be stationed in local holding facilities, so little by little things were improving.

Image: Attribution: Chiswick Chap
Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Strawberry Hill House\\

New Kingdom Quilts

New Kingdom Quilts

Spiritually The Royal Queen and her family are now known as The Royal Family of the heavens, they are The Royal Family of the heavens and A New Kingdom, and have been for some time. After the old Monarchy was removed from the heavens,
The Royal Queen and her family, and their heritage became the family in the heavens. Through the good and bad, they have some real love for each other, and the things they are trying to create.

Family Quilt

The family quilt was created by The Royal Queen, The Royal Queen herself. The family quilt is all about the heritabe of her and her spiritual family. The spiritual family unlike the earth family are very diversified.

The family quilt spiritual includes a little of everything.

Egyptian Heritage
Biblical Heritage
Constantine Empire
Alexandrian Empire
Mount Olympus
Underwater realm
Underrealm realm
Hell Province
Gabriel’s Kingdom
A Spiritual Place

There are many lines that converge within this unit family. Though not exactly owned by The Royal Queen, the hidden realm should most definatly be mentioned, it’s a most suitable realm, and a large part of their family heriitage.

Mommies Quilt

The mother (mommy) quilt was created by The Royal Queen’s spiritual children. On earth province The Royal Queen is single, and has no earth bound children, but spiritual she has hundreads upon hundreads on children in her world. The children are some of the most polite children, and most suitable.

The mommy quilt that was created includes all the most beloved items that belong to The Royal Queen. They include:

The Family Units
Mother’s Favorite Foods
Flowers & Sunshine

The quilt is quite spectacular, and it litterally encompaeses most of the heavens, and it litterally a combination of all the things created, loved, and owned by The Royal Queen and her family. It is uniquely theirs, and it was
created by the spiritual children of The Royal Queen.

The official family unit song. Countdown ~Beyonce

Royal Order Quilt

The Royal Order is a spiritual force or troop created by The Royal Queen. They were desinged to make the heavens proud. A troop that would represent all of A New Kingdom.

The Royal Order Quilt is designed specifically for The Order, meaning Royal Order.

-The Royal Order Circle
-Royal Order Levels

Robot Sentient Project Quilt

This is a quilt that was invented to free individuals from the captivity from whence they were being held. The quilt is located inside of The Robot Sentient Project, typically if someone is in the correct situations, and doing the
correct things, they can request the quilt, and it might just assist them with being freed from The Robot Sentient Project.

The Royal Queen’s Quilt

This was a quilt for The Royal Queen so that her subjects, or citizens could have access to their items. When The Royal Queen created or established her items, the items were being interfared with, thus via the quilts, her subjects could access all their items.

-Royal Queen Security Clearances
-Royal Queen Financial System
-Frequency Suits
-If this song should be sung
-Royal Queen Support Services System
-Bill 184
-A Spiritual Place
-Family Units

The Diversity Quilt

-This quilt is so that anyone who feels excluded may at least feel welcome here. The Quilts motto is, at least here, you may find a home. Across the galaxy, anyone who feels excluded, or who doesn’t fit it, can find their way into this quilt, and at least there, they may find a home.

Unified Quilt

Is a combination of three quilts, combined for one powerful outcome.
Targeted Individuals
Black Panther
Indigo Ribbon