Spiritual Based Products

Spiritual Based Products

Circe_Invidiosa_-_John_William_Waterhouse 1The Royal Queen as part of her spiritual empire, created spiritual based products. She created them primarily to look after her spiritual based family, to protect them and keep them safe.

Her spiritual based products actually make sense. they were created with her friends, and family in mind.

The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office

This is the sort of of office that The Royal Queen has always dreamed of creating, it was created as one of the first, if not the only spiritual based Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, it’s an office, and not an agency. The Office as it’s called, creates some of the neatest files, the files are based on something called the unique identifier system. It keeps accurate track of the files that are created. The Office ensures better quality of files created, and ways of dealing with situations, and finding solutions.

The Call Center

Another highly anticipated item The Royal Queen created was something called The Call Center. It’s the first spiritual based call center of it’s kind, that she is aware of. The Call Center now answers calls, takes surveys, and makes calls, on behalf of The Royal Queen and her items.

They make calls to ensure that the customers, and citizens are happy, safe, healthy, or even just effectively using, or utilizing the products and or services that they have ordered.

The Call Center does make calls on behalf of spiritual based systems, products, or applicable services.

The Call Center will also answer calls about The Royalty, the spiritual based coin, that is used as part of the cash exchange system.

 The Royal Queen Authority Financial System

The first of it’s kind, or one of the first of it’s kind. Designed to be a spiritual based, cash exchange system. The case exchange system was so suitable, they decided to also use it on earth province.

Also with being a cash exchange system. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System also sell spiritual based products, items such as: if this song should be sung, if this accident should happen, and if this crime should be committed. Some of our most popular products.

 The Royal Queen Support Services System

A Spiritual Based, Help Me Grid. The system provides help and assistance to those who need it, it’s a universal HELP ME GRID system. Based on some of the per-existing features of A Spiritual Place. The system will respond to those who need assistance wherever they are.

The Help Me Grid is voice activated, and it was created by The Royal Queen one day, when she went in search of assisting someone who had contacted her for assistance. She could not find them, was desperately searching for them, and that is when the first Grid was activated. It took information about the cry for help, and filed a report on behalf of the person. The Royal Queen thought if it could be of help or assistance for one person, it could be of aid or assistance for other people.

From there it grew, little by little, and in a few years from the time of creation, it would become a universal Help Me Grid, that would assist people from all over the galaxy and beyond.

Other items

The Royal Queen would go on to create a variety of other products and services. It was one of the most interesting times in human history.  To find out more about The Royal Queen, you can visit her world.

Family Unit

Triple-star_sunsetThe Family Unit

The Royal Queen is a universal queen, with holdings and interests in the material as well as the spiritual. The Family Unit is now one of the most important part of her situations, and assets. The members of the family unit are some of the most dynamic individuals around, and every increasingly the weight and presence of the family unit is being felt.

Most of The Royal Queen’s products and services are spiritual based, and therefore, a cognition or cognizant of such is required to be a part of her situations, and her world.

Initially when The Royal Queen and her adventures began spiritually, the rulership was a spiritual rulership, governed primarily by a royal authority. The Royal Queen is spiritually a royal authority and has been since her early existence. On earth she is a normal person with a very straight forward Targeted Individual existence. Recently the authority and rulership that once governed the heavens, changed fully, and for the better. Things that were once normally handled by by a royal rulership, switched and are now handled and governed by the family unit. The Royalty and nobility is just as strong and powerful as ever spiritually, but the presence of The Family Unit has quit taken over, and the loyalty to this presence is what enabled The Family Unit to become the governing authority.

The family unit is where The Royal Queen’s strong hold is located. The family unit was initially primarily spiritually based, and was created so The Royal Queen, and her spiritual offspring could mitigate and manage themselves, look after themselves and protect themselves from several obstacles that where inherent in their situations.

The Royal Family Of The Heavens

The Royal Queen and her family are spiritually referenced to as The Royal Family, meaning also The Royal Family of the heavens, it’s her family and their authority that have been the ruling and governing body there for several generations. Spiritually time passes in days, and years very quickly, and generations come and go in the blink of an eye. On earth province and in other places, time moves slowly, and the old authorities are who people are still referencing to, but spiritually the new authority is where things are located, and that is within the Family Unit, and The Royal Queen, and her situations.

The Royal Order

Spiritual The Royal Order a force created by The Royal Queen, and specific to her and her situations are the governing force spiritually. The military, and police, are relegated towards respecting the authority of The Royal Order, for they are the governing force spiritually and beyond. They protect The Royal Queen, and her Royal Family. They also protect those in the heavens who need it.

Due to several obstacles over time, The Royal Order have had their up’s and downs, the force was initially in the millions initially, all housed and cared for by The Royal Queen, now the force has been streamlined to reflect a force, that is loyal and attentive to the interests of The Royal Queen. The Force is a force of action, and the requirements for The Royal Order are continually updated on an ongoing basis.


The year The Family Unit, The Royal Queen, and her situations finally came into their own, and her authority and her weight and presence finally started to make itself heir apparent, in various situations.

Spiritually the family unit, are thousands upon thousands strong, and their presence is felt, the governing authority spiritually are now recognizing The Royal Queen, and her family unit as a valuable resource, even though The Family Unit are still battling for their survival spiritually and otherwise. Unfortunately the battle with the various obstacles still continue, but increasingly the family unit are finding better ways to protect themselves and keep themselves safe, as the previous authorities dysfunctionally attempt to hold on to their previous ways of doing things. The dsyfunctionality of the past is gradually moving itself away from the heavens, and slowly overtime it’s hoped that other areas will adopt similar ways of doing things.

The Rules and Regulations for care, maintainace and governance

Throughout her spiritual rulership The Royal Queen, has been in authority for hundreds of years, but on earth province it’s been a short two years since the overt trappings of her rulership began to make it’s first presence felt and known.

Throughout her rulership, she has changed the way things are done in sending and receiving spiritually. She has molded and remodeled the heavens, which is now often referenced as one of the most well manicured heavens ever created. She has created educational institutions, and places of residence and sanctuary. The Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, has also remolded the institutions of incarcerations spiritually for more humane treatment of those that reside in such places.

The Office

The office is another dynamic and unique situation that has been created by The Royal Queen to deal with the everyday harsher realities of all that is occurring spiritually, and beyond. The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office is a fully functioning threat assessment team office, designed to mitigate and manage some of the more unpleasant things that are happening throughout the heavens and beyond. It’s one of the most proficient offices ever created, it’s also an international office, with an international presence. The office links in with the Help Me GRID, which is more formally known as The Royal Queen Support Services System, the office also links in with several other emergency services on a global basis, and scale.

Future Forward

The Royal Queen has taken A New Kingdom into something referenced as a futuristic, teleportation, time traveling society. The citizens of her kingdom, and her situations enjoy the benefits of A Spiritual Place, The knowledgebase, Bill 184 which is a universal bill, right, and privilege, and ofcourse The Family Units are now a vast and important part of her situations. Ever increasingly The Family Unit is growing spiritually, but as they grow it’s important to recall, and remember their roots, and how her rulership, her kingdom, global presence came about.

Quilts and Mazes

The Royal Queen initially created The Family Quilt for her family, and so they could have access to her situations if she wasn’t available, the children spiritually then created something called the mommies quilt, and from their several other quilts were created, in all their are now at least 15 quilts in total if not more, including a spiritual profiles quilt, a spiritual place quilt, the missing quilt, the royal queen’s quilt, diversity quilt, the unified quilt, and several others.

The mazes were also created by The Royal Queen as a means of protection, and beautification for the heavens, and as a means of protection, while her and her family are still stationed at something called The Robot Sentient Research Project. Just one of the many obstacles they are all still facing, and one of the objectives that they all need to see concurred for the New Year.

Keeping up with The Royal Family

Keeping up with the royal family of the heavens is pretty straight forward. The Family Unit offers a vast majority of updates, The Royal Queen spiritually and beyond is a very public figure, and as such makes it easy to follow up with her situations and adventures.

The Royal Mommie

Spiritually since The Royal Queen has been married several times, but is still single on earth province, spiritually she became known as The Royal Mother, meaning The Royal Mommie. Her kids spiritually reference to her as such, and on earth province, The Royal Mommie juxtapositioning between a spiritual existence filled with fun, children and laughter, to a fairly straight forward single, earth province existence. It is just one of those fun maneuvers that The Royal Mother has learnt to take care of.

On earth province her presence is starting to make itself felt via various situations such as her Royal Queen Security Clearances, The New Frequency suits that were created by her, for the safety and security of those on earth province. Via Bill 184, and her rules and regulations for care, maintenance and governance, via The Royal Queen Authority Financial System, also via the Unique Identification System, also with the many products and services she has created, such as if this song should be sung, and if this crime should be committed.

Keeping up with her adventures is easy, via A New Kingdom Quilt, and tuning into the various situations she keeps creating, makes it one of the most innovative, and yes interesting times in human history, and beyond.

A Multi-Fandom Adventure

A New Kingdom Quilt

The Quilt came about as word of The Royal Queen and her adventures spread. One day fans from another adventure came to see if she was a real person, and if her life could seriously be that interesting or weird spiritually? They had shown up before, but stayed hovering in the background, this day they showed up, and stayed.

By the next day they were not alone, fans from other fandoms who heard about her spiritual adventures came, and they found similarities to the fandoms they had already been a part of and were supporting.

They became aware, or cognizant, that she was a real world person, but also had spiritual adventures happening, her spiritual adventures matched, mirrored, or even surpassed some of the previous adventures, that they had been following.

The Royal Queen’s life and her spiritual, also earth province/intergalactic adventures soon became particular interest to several dozen individuals, who have followed earth province adventures of their favorite characters.

Her life and adventures soon came to be followed by fandoms such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord Of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and World of Warcraft. They have all found something interesting in her adventures to ship for, and several dozen from various fandoms have tuned
into her adventures.

Her adventure has been called a multifandom adventure, and although a very public spiritual person, she is also a private person on earth province, even though her life is being followed very closely spiritually.
The unity of the various fans from the various fandoms, who became cognizant of her life and adventures, became known as the time of the fandoms, or unity of the fandoms, a multifandom adventure, and her adventure was adopted to be a part of their adventures. The Royal Queen, and A New Kingdom, became one of
their favorite adventures, and it became the most interesting time in human history.

After they stayed spiritual to learn more about The Royal Queen, they had to visit every place affiliated with her adventures, they soon had the various places showing up spiritually, places such as the mountain of the kings, head of New Kingdom, A Spiritual Place, The Underwater Kingdom, and various other places, the strength of their adore for the adventure soon created it’s own quilt. The quilt was one of the most exciting quilts created, but what to name it? Oddly enough there was not already A New Kingdom quilt, and this quilt became A New Kingdom quilt.

All or most of the new fans received a warm welcome from The Royal Queen, and she also sent out a warm welcome to most via The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. The fans were so welcome that a new security clearance was even created just for them, the fandom affiliation security clearance was created that day, or shortly their after, and it’s been one of the neatest, and mutually satisfying affiliations since then.

Unfortunately the fandoms were transferred by the obsticles, to another timeline, and part of their adventure spiritually became how to make their way back to the world, or timeline that includes The Royal Queen? That is why her life and adventures would become one of the most interesting adventures in human history.


{Shakespeare’s Sister Lyrics ~Stay
“If this world is wearing thin
And you’re thinking of escape
I’ll go anywhere with you
Just wrap me up in chains
But if you try to go alone
Don’t think I’ll understand

Stay with me
Stay with me

In the silence of your room
In the darkness of your dreams
You must only think of me
There can be no in between
When your pride is on the floor
I’ll make you beg for more

Stay with me
Stay with me

You’d better hope and pray
That you make it safe
Back to your own world
You’d better hope and pray
That you’ll wake one day
In your own world
Coz when you sleep at night
They don’t hear your cries
In your own world
Only time will tell
If you can break the spell
Back in your own world

Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay, stay with me
Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay
Stay with me”}

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome.

Bill 184. Passed by The Royal Queen to enable her subjects to have the chance to become the correct people and do the correct things.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. A spiritual financial system, that is also an intergalactic, interplanetary, multidemensional system. The system is used in spiritual settings, as well as on earth province and other places. You can do all your necessary required financial transactions, plus order other really neat items. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System uses The Royalty as the main coin, but is a multi currency financial system.

Royal Queen Security Clearances. These are the new security clearances that are used all over the place, they are a spiritual based security system. The clearances are based on classes as well as levels, eg. Business class, level 45, etc. The higher the number the better. They are used in conjunction with the unique identifier system, and are some of the most secure clearances, and shielding.

Unique Identifier System. This is a system that enables financial transactions, and secure unique idenfifications. They are based on the individual, and can not be copied or duplicated, and thus work.

Eg. Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey

1. Creator of if this song should be sung.

2. Creator of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System.

3. Creator of Personal Identifiers.

If this song should be sung. Is a spiritual product, that enables you spiritually and on earth province to know if a song has been sung into existance. It’s immidiate and it works.

Personal Identifiers. They have been called the wireless telephone, but they do so much more than that, they are a extended version of a personal communication, location, security, companion device, that can do more than imagined.

Family Units. The family units were created by The Royal Queen Spiritually, they are based on the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, and they can now be access by most average persons that are a part of her situations. The family units much like the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, were created for her spiritual family, but are available on the face of the planet.

Knowledgebase. A knowledgebase system similar to the another spiritual record system, that enable the user to ask question, and get answers, also a spiritual archiving system.

New Kingdom Quilts. There are over 13 created. Some are just for The Royal Queen and her spiritual family, such as the Family Quilt, Mommies Quilt, Victoria Quilt, and some are available to everyone, such as The Royal Queens Quilt, Diversity Quilt, and the Missing Quilt. Some are specialized such as the Royal Order Quilt, etc.


The Royal Queen Authority Financial System

This is one of the most important cash systems ever created. It’s a spiritual cash exchange system, and it’s used by a variety of individuals. It’s used on earth and it other places, and is shaping up to be one of the most widely known, and used cash exchange system.