When myth became legend 2

The Royal Queen lifted the curses


Upon the day she was born, when myth became legend, she lifted the curses, and she and others were eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct things, and have the correct things happening to her.

What was not known then to The Royal Queen, is that she was a Royal person, her mother thought they were just from a normal family, as did her father. they were happy enough when she was born, but they had no idea that in the background, when myth became legend was occurring, and that they child they had was the one, the Royal one that others had waited for to lift the curse, or those curses for that time, and lift them she did.

She grew up normally enough, clear that she was a normal person, clear that her mother was also, until a few years back, when myth became legend, and the spiritual realities, became a little bit too much to ignore.

What she would discover is not only was she a royal person, with a royal heritage, but she had also lifted some of the curses, but so did her mother, her father, his mother before him, and her grandfather, and her additional grandmother, their lines were considered a suitable family line, one that had remained hidden, a suitable line that was eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct things, but otherwise, to her knowledge, they grew up like normal individuals.

Until one day, these spiritual situations entered her existence, another royal person, claiming that he was the correct person, doing the correct thing, that he was the correct person for her situation, the one that she was suppose to marry, but he refused, because he wasn’t the correct situations, and he wanted the correct person for his situations, but he still wanted her spiritual authority, and power, and so on that day that he was going to be married, he would marry her spiritually, but on earth she would always appear to be in the incorrect situations doing the incorrect things.

Naturally she thought the whole thing was weirder than it had to be, and ignored it, assumed he was either joking, or not a real royal person, cause real royal persons, do not threaten to steal people’s spiritual kingdoms, and authority. Upon that day however he made good upon his word, and made her life a living hell, but as when myth became legend would have it, she discovered in time, that the prince needed one more thing, not just her spiritual authority, but he needed their line to survive, their bloodline.

Evidently it turns out, for the remaining curses to be lifted to continue his actual line, he need the girl in the situation, to be in the correct situation doing the correct thing, this he could not fulfill, instead he sought to destroy the girl and her reputation, portraying her as beggar, instead of a Queen, Pauper, instead of a Royal person.

So after he made good on his spiritual situations, and those in his court thought to do just one thing to the girl and her friends and family, she did just one thing, after months, and years of the same cruel torture, and he finally producing an heir with the person he brought into his situation, he thought to have the girl removed from her situations. For only a Royal person, only a Royal heir could lift the curses, only the actually bloodline that he sought, could have removed the curses, so she did, just one thing, with the last dwindling ambers of her humanity, and with the new born flames of her anger, she wished him just one thing, and she cursed him, oh how she cursed him, and all that was his, and all that were with him. For she made mention, saying just one thing, if she was not the one who removed the curses, if she was not the one eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct thing, then she could not possibly, be the one that lifted the curses, and so she cursed him, every curse, she and hers had ever lifted, she called back, she called them back into existence. Thus when the boy who was tasked to do one thing, and that one thing was to marry the girl in the situation, when he refused, and tried to use her most horribly, and horrendously, she cursed him, she cursed him, the boy arriving into the situation, cause then it would do one thing, everything would fail, until he became the correct person, and did the correct thing, and removed himself from her situation, and removed himself from her outcomes.

By the time the boy in the situation gave birth to a heir, the boy had become a monster. The girl had given birth to dozen of his heirs spiritually while in captivity mind you, but those children, they hoped to have them rounded up, and removed from their situations, and destroyed, thus proving when myth became legend once more. The children ran, and were hidden for a time, the mother, The Royal Queen, also remained hidden, and watched slowly as the curses were called back into existence.

The boy who was tasked to do just one thing, thought surly if he removes the girl, the girl for the situation, surly he could remove all her heirs and traces of her, take over her situations, and then name his current heir after her, and take over her empire, her kingdom, but he had forgotten one thing, her spiritual situations were one thing, for she was the sunshine spiritually, and her earth identity could not so easily be stolen, he found out in frustration, as myth became legend once more.

The towns people soon discovered, the curses indeed could not be lifted, and he soon discovered, try as he might to destroy her spiritually, her and her family could not easily be gathered and destroyed. He tortured them cruelly for months, and tried to systemically destroy them anyway possible, but she could not so easily be destroyed, she was different, she was made of sterner stuff. He thought to himself, certainly if I am in this situation, I will destroy the girl, she could not be anything suitable, I will name the heir after her, and steal her situations spiritually, but he could not, for she was someone maybe interesting, different, and purhapse, a little bit suitable, he had not counted on this. He has destroyed so many to come so far, he head destroyed legions to come this far, and he would destroy legions more, but the girl, the girl in the situation, ‘the bitch’, as he had started calling her, she was designed, designed to do one thing, and they had been designed, designed to do one thing, but that time was past.

The curses were all lifted spiritually, for her and her supporters, they seemed to be removed on earth, earth province, but for him, and his, the curses were there, all that had been removed, all that had been lifted were back, and he was clear that it was her. He had been so sure, he cried anguished, that if her gave birth to an heir, surly the child could be in the correct situations, he would just steal her situations, and pass it off as the child’s, but by then, the boy had become a monster, a creature, so set on destroying all in his path, his wake he could not see straight, he thought surely if her destroyed her family, her royal household, surely it would be that type of situations and none would be the wiser, because none would believe that she was something suitable, surely the world revolved around him, and it could never be her, but day by day, he was clear, she was going to fight back, brandishing sword, and wielding the pen, as one of her weapons, till when myth became legend indeed. He had been so sure, other had not withheld, surly she could not withhold much longer, but withhold she did, and day by day they grew to weary of him, they grew to despise him, for he was such a monster. To the world he seemed to be the most suitable, and polite thing, but in the background, he was one of the biggest monsters in human history, and so when myth became legend, she did all that she could do, she secured he situations spiritually as best as she could, because by then he was stealing and using her spiritual vision, or someone in his situation was. He was still trying to destroy her and use all of her spiritual situations, except for their unique identification information, he would have stolen all that was hers, and none would have been the wiser, but she was not that sort, she was of sterner stuff, and so when myth became legend once more. Her and her family unit, gathered, and sought to protect themselves, once more as best as they could, spiritually and on the face of the planet.

The boy arriving into the situation was asked, and tasked to do one thing, upon failing that, the whole thing would fail, but he could not see that yet, all he could see was that now the girl would need to be removed from her situations, and the heir’s she spiritually bore lost, and removed, the flight for their safety security, and the continuance of the line, the bloodline, was there once more, and when myth became legend was reborn once more.