Royal Threat Assessment Team

Royal Threat Assessment Team

The Royal Queen recently created The Royal Queen’s Threat Assessment Team Office,
it’s one of the most effective offices created in human history. The office started with the
need and desire to address a simple case, the take away from that is an office, that stylish, sophisticated and warm. The office links in with the local threat teams, bureaus, informants,
The Royal Order, Emergency Services and others.

The files are assigned based on a history of doing the correct things, those who have suitable Royal Queen security clearances, and the philosophy that when the correct person is in the correct situation, the correct things can happen.

The office has several divisions:
Spiritual Profiles
-Robot Sentient Research Project
Exploited Children
-Recidivism Division
-Family Unit
-Missing and Exploited

Truly one of the most exciting offices created to date, and the office links in with several spiritual partners, databases, such as the spiritual database, earth sky, earth database, links to the Help Me grid, If this song should be sung, and if this crime should be committed. Archival software, Plus several support services on earth province.

Those working with The Royal Queens, Threat Assessment Team, are paid in two ways, spiritually they are paid via The Royal Queen Financial Authority System, for the spiritual portion of the files, and if their is an earth province component, then they are paid by the local offices, individuals etc, requesting the information.

The office is the only one of it’s kind, it prides itself on excellency, and only working with some of the most suitable individuals, also the agencies that the office links into are required to follow a specific level of quality themselves, or they are no longer listed as partners, who are eligible to work with the office.

The Royal Queen utilized her level 45, military clearance, several months ago, to establish, the title of The Royal Queen, Threat Assessment Unit Commander, but it was just within recent times that the spiritual office achieved it’s inception.

Hopefully some suitable items will come from this office, and with the continued obstacles, The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, has her work cut out for her.