Earth Province Holdings

Earth Province Holdings

The Royal Queen is not just a spiritual queen, her rulership extends to earth province, where she has several holdings.

Her earth province holdings are ones she inherited of a sort. Most of them involved a long fought battle, with many of the obsticles that were her path. The first few assets were being disputed because she didn’t come into these possession in the usual traditional sense of the word, she came into these possession in the unusual traditional sense of the word. The others are items she acquired directly, or created and those will never be disputed.

The Royal Queen’s personal holdings, include a rich catch of personal domains. These are her items that will not be disputed. She holds domain real estate, and is doing ok for herself. She owns several dozen domains, and has spent years acquiring them.

Some of those cute domains might possibly include: 😉

Domain Names

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System is a Spiritual System, it’s owned by her, but it’s presence is fully felt on earth province, and that is one of her holdings and assets, owned fully and exclusively by her. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System is used to order items on earth province, such as gold and other items. Spiritual food items, and it’s also used to send cash from person to person, because it’s a cash exchange system.

The Royal Queen Security Clearances are also owned exclusively by her. They were created and designed by her, and they are used on earth province and beyond. The clearances are part of a spiritual legacy, that is now also used on earth province.

Unique and Personal Identifiers

Both items were created and are owned exclusively by The Royal Queen. Unique Identifiers are used to uniquely identify an individual. Unlike technology previously created, they are very specific when it comes to identifying an individual, and are very hard to copy, imitate, or mimic. The personal identifiers are a more advance version, though created first, they do several things the uniques do not, and thus the uniques were created for those who just want to use them for banking, logging into places and other simple functions.

Earth Province assets that are still being debated include:

An earth province plantation.

The earth province plantation came into her possession via what is thought to be a distant relation. As it so occurred, members of the old monarchy were desirous of owning the plantation, but it was part of a family legacy. The plantation was paid for via the Royal Queen Authority Financial System. It’s one of the first earth province items that were acquired and purchased via this system. Her distant relation simply requested that the item stay in the family, because it was always meant to pass from the oldest daughter, to the oldest daughter. The relative with the holding was not the eldest daughter however, and wanted to be sure the item passed onto the correct person.

An Earth Province Pub.

The next small item was a pub a friend placed in her name and care. It was his pub, but since is was in disrepair a little bit, he thought it would be cute to put it into her name, because as The Royal Queen, she can own earth province assets, and is not limited.

Three Small Islands

The Islands were holdings that belonged to a spiritual spouse, though never married on earth province, she’s had several spiritual unions. This spiritual union brought three islands into her realm. The deeds were to have been in her name, and when the three small islands are mentioned together, they are to verify her as the correct and rightful owner. The obsticles for the earth province islands would be many since one island is said to have a rich catch of trillium.

The cayman islands, St Nevis & St. Kits, and the Fiji Islands.

Those are all her earth province holdings that came to her via third parties. They are the ones that will always be disputed and debated, and as such they are at times kept on the outskirts of her mind, thought, heart, and her prayers.

Personal Identifiers

Personal Identifiers are the latest and most advanced technology ever created, they are being used in a wide variety of ways, they allow you to make wireless calls all across the face of the earth and beyond. They extend past the flesh and into spirit. The unique identifiers, and the personal identifiers, are beloved technology that are currently being used by a vast majority of individuals.