The Citizens

A New Kingdom has some of the most innocent, knowledgeable, cool, outstanding citizens ever. The citizens are a combination, especially the children of old world charm, they are delightful, polite and well brought up. They care about others, are innocent to a degree not truly seen in many modern times. They have a purity that endears and engenders them to New Kingdom.

The older citizens are like most others, governed and for the most part managed by previous ideals, that at times seem to be in conflict with some of the changes being created by The Royal Queen.

For the most part the citizens of New Kingdom, are the correct sort of people, attempting or continually trying to do the correct things.

A New Kingdom

The New Kingdom is here. The first Teleportation, timetravelling society of it’s kind. To confirm citizenship, simply confirm that you are a citizen of New Kingdom. You are in accordance with the Royal will and Governance of The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey. You understand that she is the one in the situation, that she is the one in charge, that she is the one who is seriously able to remove, people from their outcomes. Also confirm that you are aware that you will be asked to do the incorrect things, but you will always strive to do the correct thing. Please also confirm that you don’t want, what you haven’t got, and confirm that you mean it.

Once your citizenship is confirmed, you will truly be a citizen of New Kingdom.