New Kingdom Quilts

New Kingdom Quilts

Spiritually The Royal Queen and her family are now known as The Royal Family of the heavens, they are The Royal Family of the heavens and A New Kingdom, and have been for some time. After the old Monarchy was removed from the heavens,
The Royal Queen and her family, and their heritage became the family in the heavens. Through the good and bad, they have some real love for each other, and the things they are trying to create.

Family Quilt

The family quilt was created by The Royal Queen, The Royal Queen herself. The family quilt is all about the heritabe of her and her spiritual family. The spiritual family unlike the earth family are very diversified.

The family quilt spiritual includes a little of everything.

Egyptian Heritage
Biblical Heritage
Constantine Empire
Alexandrian Empire
Mount Olympus
Underwater realm
Underrealm realm
Hell Province
Gabriel’s Kingdom
A Spiritual Place

There are many lines that converge within this unit family. Though not exactly owned by The Royal Queen, the hidden realm should most definatly be mentioned, it’s a most suitable realm, and a large part of their family heriitage.

Mommies Quilt

The mother (mommy) quilt was created by The Royal Queen’s spiritual children. On earth province The Royal Queen is single, and has no earth bound children, but spiritual she has hundreads upon hundreads on children in her world. The children are some of the most polite children, and most suitable.

The mommy quilt that was created includes all the most beloved items that belong to The Royal Queen. They include:

The Family Units
Mother’s Favorite Foods
Flowers & Sunshine

The quilt is quite spectacular, and it litterally encompaeses most of the heavens, and it litterally a combination of all the things created, loved, and owned by The Royal Queen and her family. It is uniquely theirs, and it was
created by the spiritual children of The Royal Queen.

The official family unit song. Countdown ~Beyonce

Royal Order Quilt

The Royal Order is a spiritual force or troop created by The Royal Queen. They were desinged to make the heavens proud. A troop that would represent all of A New Kingdom.

The Royal Order Quilt is designed specifically for The Order, meaning Royal Order.

-The Royal Order Circle
-Royal Order Levels

Robot Sentient Project Quilt

This is a quilt that was invented to free individuals from the captivity from whence they were being held. The quilt is located inside of The Robot Sentient Project, typically if someone is in the correct situations, and doing the
correct things, they can request the quilt, and it might just assist them with being freed from The Robot Sentient Project.

The Royal Queen’s Quilt

This was a quilt for The Royal Queen so that her subjects, or citizens could have access to their items. When The Royal Queen created or established her items, the items were being interfared with, thus via the quilts, her subjects could access all their items.

-Royal Queen Security Clearances
-Royal Queen Financial System
-Frequency Suits
-If this song should be sung
-Royal Queen Support Services System
-Bill 184
-A Spiritual Place
-Family Units

The Diversity Quilt

-This quilt is so that anyone who feels excluded may at least feel welcome here. The Quilts motto is, at least here, you may find a home. Across the galaxy, anyone who feels excluded, or who doesn’t fit it, can find their way into this quilt, and at least there, they may find a home.

Unified Quilt

Is a combination of three quilts, combined for one powerful outcome.
Targeted Individuals
Black Panther
Indigo Ribbon