The Royal Queen’s Day. June 5th 2014

TheRoyalty3dminiThis year let’s make it a day to remember. The second annual The Royal Queen’s Day. June 5th, 2014. A Day to remember. Light celebrations will be held, at various locations. A spiritual display of fireworks and other offering will be sent.

Spiritual gifts will be sent out via The Royal Queen Authority Financial Services, and The Royal Queen Delivery Service. Inside of A Spiritual Place, there will be lot’s to do and see. Aura will put on some celebrations of their own. Watermelon, cake and other light refreshments could be served at various locations, spiritual or otherwise.

The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, and her Family Unit, The Royal Family Of The Heavens will hold their own celebrations. Her spiritual palaces and other locations, are available to visitors upon request. They all use the unique identifier system, so place make your requests in advance.

The Royal Queen is the creator of The Royal Order, She also created The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, The Call Center, Scribes Press, The only free press. Community Planning and Implementation, and The Royal Queen Support Services System, and Spiritual Based Products, that are assisting humanity with moving one step forward at a time.

To find out more about The Royal Queen, visit and visit the links to her other websites, and find out about additional projects and incentives that she is working on or responsible for.

Spiritual Based Products

Spiritual Based Products

Circe_Invidiosa_-_John_William_Waterhouse 1The Royal Queen as part of her spiritual empire, created spiritual based products. She created them primarily to look after her spiritual based family, to protect them and keep them safe.

Her spiritual based products actually make sense. they were created with her friends, and family in mind.

The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office

This is the sort of of office that The Royal Queen has always dreamed of creating, it was created as one of the first, if not the only spiritual based Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, it’s an office, and not an agency. The Office as it’s called, creates some of the neatest files, the files are based on something called the unique identifier system. It keeps accurate track of the files that are created. The Office ensures better quality of files created, and ways of dealing with situations, and finding solutions.

The Call Center

Another highly anticipated item The Royal Queen created was something called The Call Center. It’s the first spiritual based call center of it’s kind, that she is aware of. The Call Center now answers calls, takes surveys, and makes calls, on behalf of The Royal Queen and her items.

They make calls to ensure that the customers, and citizens are happy, safe, healthy, or even just effectively using, or utilizing the products and or services that they have ordered.

The Call Center does make calls on behalf of spiritual based systems, products, or applicable services.

The Call Center will also answer calls about The Royalty, the spiritual based coin, that is used as part of the cash exchange system.

 The Royal Queen Authority Financial System

The first of it’s kind, or one of the first of it’s kind. Designed to be a spiritual based, cash exchange system. The case exchange system was so suitable, they decided to also use it on earth province.

Also with being a cash exchange system. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System also sell spiritual based products, items such as: if this song should be sung, if this accident should happen, and if this crime should be committed. Some of our most popular products.

 The Royal Queen Support Services System

A Spiritual Based, Help Me Grid. The system provides help and assistance to those who need it, it’s a universal HELP ME GRID system. Based on some of the per-existing features of A Spiritual Place. The system will respond to those who need assistance wherever they are.

The Help Me Grid is voice activated, and it was created by The Royal Queen one day, when she went in search of assisting someone who had contacted her for assistance. She could not find them, was desperately searching for them, and that is when the first Grid was activated. It took information about the cry for help, and filed a report on behalf of the person. The Royal Queen thought if it could be of help or assistance for one person, it could be of aid or assistance for other people.

From there it grew, little by little, and in a few years from the time of creation, it would become a universal Help Me Grid, that would assist people from all over the galaxy and beyond.

Other items

The Royal Queen would go on to create a variety of other products and services. It was one of the most interesting times in human history.  To find out more about The Royal Queen, you can visit her world.