New Kingdom, New Kingdom

2New Kingdom, New Kingdom, is one of the most beautiful locations within New Kingdom. It’s a place for romance and relaxation, even though those inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, always think that it could be a little bit more exciting. It’s really one of the most exciting places on the face of the planet.

Those inside would be more enlivened if they explored New Kingdom, New Kingdom. At one point it was one of the safest places inside of A New Kingdom. It’s known for it’s beautiful waterfalls, tapestries, and wall hangings. It’s truly one of the wealthiest, most beautiful places that you could hope to visit. It’s also where one of The Royal Queen’s palaces are located. She has at least two or three inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, but when she was there, it is at the palace that she stayed.

The Waterfalls were some of the most beautiful ever seen or created, New Kingdom, New Kingdom came about because the citizens were citizens of A Spiritual Place, They had Bill 184 and were using it, they were part of The Family Unit, or part of Family Units, and they they were also actively using The Knowledgebase, once they were doing that, New Kingdom, New Kingdom, one day magically formed inside of A New Kingdom, and it has never been the same ever since.


The structure was the most solid, beautiful that they have ever seen. The walls formed all around everything, and the structures were very solid. People looked slightly different when they were inside the original New Kingdom, New Kingdom. They were clear on the whole situation. When inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, your clothing use to just magically transform themselves, and you would be wearing pure white, and the clothing were  so very classic, so very eloquent, every looked a specific way and functioned a specific way, it’s the only situation that did not make sense. It was so beautiful it was unreal, but it was there, and so many people were determined to be citizens.

The Royal Queen can still recall the first time it formed, and how amazing the whole thing was, it’s one of the more clear memories. The children and adults, running inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, because it was one of the safest places.

The couples that were there had the most beautiful time one afternoon, all of them in their dresses, and suits, or relaxed semi casual outfits for the men, all were hanging out inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, and a place formed just for couples, a place in celebration of couples. The Royal Queen could see them all that day, her cousin was there that day, she was amongst them.

Spiritually The Royal Queen had a son named Charles spiritually, and he was married to her cousin Bridgette, which made him second cousins to her cousin. They looked so happy that day, but that was not to last either, but at least for a moment everything could be happy, and in perfect form.

They had married spiritually, since Charles does not have an earth bound being, all of The Royal Queen’s biological children, only exist in flesh cause she has none in spirit, meaning they only exist in spirit, for she has none in flesh yet. It’s not that The Royal Queen did not want to have children on earth, but the conditions had not presented themselves. She wanted to be married, and in an eligible type situation, and until those conditions presented themselves, she would remain single on earth, and likely forebear having earth bound children for the time being. In the mean time she loved her spiritual family, and the earth province children very much.

The children she has on Earth Province are the one’s she has via adoption, she has adopted them spiritually, but those spiritual adoptions are said to be also valid on earth, that is what is said.  In the mean time she also has children by spirit of adoption from her spiritual marriage to Lucifer. There are thousands, upon thousands of   them on earth,  they have spiritual and earth bound bodies, and thus she has children in this mannerism, capacity, and regard.

The children visit with their frequency suits, and they are the most innocent of people. Their spiritual heritage was Hell Province in most cases, and now they are all a part of her family unit. They have all come together to form The Family Unit. One of the most dynamic Family Units in human history. It’s so diverse, it’s international, galactic, and comprises also the hundreds of children The Royal Queen also gave birth to spiritually. It’s literally the most interesting time in human history.


The Royal Queen upon seeing the beauty of New Kingdom, New Kingdom sent for Royal Rugs, Wall Hangings and Tapestries, she wanted New Kingdom, New Kingdom, to have all that was suitable.

The beauty of the rungs, wall hanging and tapestries is something she can recall. Red and gold were the colours that would adorn the location. The rugs would be of their own choosing and making, and as if by magic they appear as requested. Some of the most beautiful that The Royal Queen had ever seen. Such a place was New Kingdom, New Kingdom.

The citizens would work really hard to retain their citizenship. They lived and functioned a specific way. New Kingdom, New Kingdom also had The Royal Order guarding them, they use to be inside and around the walls of New Kingdom.

Having a working and functioning Royal Order force actually made sense. The citizen could be protected and The Royal Order guarded the parameters. The Obstacles were still there, and so safety was still a concern, but inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, for once the children, friends, and family that were inside New Kingdom, New Kingdom, could feel a little bit more safe, they could live in beauty and have it make sense.

The problem with New Kingdom, New Kingdom and her spiritual situations back then is that the local monitoring units had found a way to play around with, and manipulate spiritual reality. Ever since The Royal Queen had been kidnapped spiritually, and experimented on, they had used parts of her spiritual, body and being to try to gain access to various locations, and to do specific manipulations that did not make sense. Such was the spiritual situation.

When New Kingdom, New Kingdom was there there was internal access between Earth Province cities. From Toronto, to New York, Paris, and London, the citizens of New Kingdom could walk between the tunnels or channels that appeared, and disappeared at a moments notice. Just like the stair cases of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, they appear and disappear at a moments notice. As they are needed they just appear, and as they are unneeded they just disappear, it’s one of the most interesting places to visit. Yet it seems so tame, because for a moment they could enjoy, the safety, security and beauty.

New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was so beautiful in fact that several of her children elected not to live their until they could handle the beauty prosperity of the place. They had had nice things spiritual, many grew up in The Fully Functioning Foundling Homes or the palaces that The Royal Queen had, but most even though accustomed to nice things, had never seen anything liken unto the beauty, and splendour of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. It was a place that you really had to become accustomed to. The Royal Queen took to New Kingdom, New Kingdom, right away, it was just her type of situation, it seriously made sense to her. It was one of the few times, things were working, and functioning the way that they were suppose to be working and functioning.

The outside of the walls were protected with a hardened material of precious metals, that was one of the protections of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. Also to enter you had to have The Royal Queen Security Clearances. That was a part of the security of the city. Citizenship had to be applied for, and to retain it you had to be a part of New Kingdom, New Kingdom for a short space of time, but that is what it took to be a citizen.

Her palaces there, the Queenships and Kingships are some of the most straight forward situations ever created. New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was created specifically as a part of The Royal Queen’s situations, so no one should ever have had Queenship’s there before, but most importantly, it’s another part of her rulership that is not ever brought into question, much like her mogulistic dynastic empire, that she created.

Who is The Royal Queen

The Royal Queen

Allegry_Treaty_of_the_Pyrenees_Louvre_INV20349Who is The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey. She is a
universal queen. Her queenship is actually a variety of things. She is a galactic queen, interplanetary, and multidimensional. Her queenship has been called and defined as an uber queenship, because it expands throughout all of New Kingdom.

A New Kingdom

A New Kingdom is a vast empire or kingdom, that spans throughout space, time, and eternity. It consists of a variety of places, and locations, palaces, family units, it is said to be one of the wealthiest Empires or Kingdoms ever created, because from the ashes of so many previous kingdoms, A New Kingdom came to be.

At the heart mind and soul of A New Kingdom is A Spiritual Place, a
knowledgebase, a family unit, and bill 184. The soul of New Kingdom is A Spiritual Place. Those are the tangible intangibles. The other heart, mind, and soul of New Kingdom is Head of New Kingdom, Underwater Kingdom, and Hades. The Heart is the underwater kingdom, the mind is head of New Kingdom, and the soul is Hades.

New Kingdom encompasses 32 plus one galactic province, An Earth Province, The Underwater Kingdom, Hell Province, Head of New Kingdom, 2 English Empires, 2 Russian Empires, A multidimensional realm, Hell 2, Hades, The Divine Realm, Constantine Empire, Napoleonic Empire, Alexandrian Empire, The Heavens, The Hidden Realm, Some unknown and known places.

The Royal Queen herself

Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, is a spiritual queen, but she is also an earth province queen, she is a magical queen, but she is also a real world person. Her empire and kingdom is the first of it’s kind, as is The Royal Queen’s situation, which was created and designed specifically for her.

Because of the size of her kingdom, she has several smaller queenship, but The Royal Queen is the uber queenship that governs them all. New Kingdom has several representatives, that sit on these kingships, and queenships, representatives that assist her with her care, maintenance and governance.

She is also head of one of the most unique, and dynamic family units ever created. The family unit is the heart of her New Kingdom, they are some of the most creative, sweet, dynamic children, they are hundreds of individuals that were part of the original family unit, but over the spiritual generations they have grown. Spiritually at least 14-24 generations have gone by, there are now thousands, then millions that encompass the family unit. Most she has never meet, but spiritually they are her children, and her children’s
children. She has only been listed as The Royal Queen on Earth Province for the last 2-3 years, but spiritually, her and her family unit are well known.

For the heavens and beyond one of the first things The Royal Queen did was create a global, but also a galactic force, called The Royal Order, they are a galactic force, and they assist with protecting New Kingdom and keeping it safe.

In addition to being a bit of a Royal and magical queen at times, she is also a bit of a mogal, and has created a mogalistic, dynastic empire. Her empire can be felt spiritually, on the face of the planet, and beyond.

The Fully Functioning series. Consisting of hotels spiritually, functioning homes, offices, rehabilitation centers, schools, libraries, maximum holding centers, retail stores, ans so much more.

She also created The Royal Queen Authority Financial System, The Cash Exchange System provides gold, silver, cash, and delivers other items. It’s a galactic, interplanetary, multidimensional cash exchange system.

The Royal Queen also created The Royal Queen Support Services System, it’s a universal HELP ME GRID system, and it works spiritually, as well as on Earth Province and beyond. It can be activated by saying HELP ME. It’s a universal GRID system that has now been implemented in every part of A New Kingdom.

She also created The Royal Queen Security Clearances. These security
clearances are now used in every portion and section of New Kingdom. Some locations, all locations, require The Royal Queen Security Clearances. You can not get into many situation without them. They work with something called a Unique Identifier System, which was also created by The Royal Queen. You might say The Unique Identifier System is one of The most important of her creations, all of her citizens and subjects now have one.

Personal Identifiers are the first product created by The Royal Queen, one of the first, and they are used in a variety of ways throughout New Kingdom, they are a wireless telephone, but also used to provide health care assessments, they are used to provide directional situations, they are used to protect and secure your home when away, in addition to a variety of other situations.

If this song should be sung, enables you to know if a song has been sung. It now comes with 3 different settings. It’s a neat little product, and it’s used by many throughout New Kingdom, it’s also used to protect children with a slightly different settings.

She has also created something called If this crime should be committed, which works in a similar fashion, to if this song should be sung.

She has redefined how kingships work and function. Individuals are called into the thrones, or into the situations. Previously situations were elected, or inherited, which is not the incorrect thing, but her rulership tries to ensure that the correct people are in the correct situations.

She also believes very strongly in the family unit. they are what is at the heart of A New Kingdom, when The Family Unit is strong, then the rest of the Kingdom is strong.

In summary, The Royal Queen is her own person, with a queenship that was specifically designed with her in mind, it is her own situation, and there will never be another Royal Queen, some thing she is Victoria herself reincarnated, some just think her a little crazy, but mostly she is her own person, she needs no funding from anyone, because she has created one of the wealthiest empires in human, spiritual, galactic history.

Quilts and Mazes

To her credit The Royal Queen, created one of the most extravagant, and dynamic maze system, she also created a quilt system to assist the citizens of New Kingdom, those situations are now fully starting to show up on Earth Province, and thus her rulership is now starting to be felt.

The trappings of her kingdom are only now becoming more obvious on Earth Province, but her items have been used, and utilized, spiritually and beyond for years.

The Royal Queen’s Day

Much like Victoria Day, it falls within the Gemini cycle, and it’s a Day of celebration for the Royal Queen, it’s going to be help for the first time in early June, and within New Kingdom. It’s going to be help the 5th of June this year, and every year after, in celebration of The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey.

Family Unit

Triple-star_sunsetThe Family Unit

The Royal Queen is a universal queen, with holdings and interests in the material as well as the spiritual. The Family Unit is now one of the most important part of her situations, and assets. The members of the family unit are some of the most dynamic individuals around, and every increasingly the weight and presence of the family unit is being felt.

Most of The Royal Queen’s products and services are spiritual based, and therefore, a cognition or cognizant of such is required to be a part of her situations, and her world.

Initially when The Royal Queen and her adventures began spiritually, the rulership was a spiritual rulership, governed primarily by a royal authority. The Royal Queen is spiritually a royal authority and has been since her early existence. On earth she is a normal person with a very straight forward Targeted Individual existence. Recently the authority and rulership that once governed the heavens, changed fully, and for the better. Things that were once normally handled by by a royal rulership, switched and are now handled and governed by the family unit. The Royalty and nobility is just as strong and powerful as ever spiritually, but the presence of The Family Unit has quit taken over, and the loyalty to this presence is what enabled The Family Unit to become the governing authority.

The family unit is where The Royal Queen’s strong hold is located. The family unit was initially primarily spiritually based, and was created so The Royal Queen, and her spiritual offspring could mitigate and manage themselves, look after themselves and protect themselves from several obstacles that where inherent in their situations.

The Royal Family Of The Heavens

The Royal Queen and her family are spiritually referenced to as The Royal Family, meaning also The Royal Family of the heavens, it’s her family and their authority that have been the ruling and governing body there for several generations. Spiritually time passes in days, and years very quickly, and generations come and go in the blink of an eye. On earth province and in other places, time moves slowly, and the old authorities are who people are still referencing to, but spiritually the new authority is where things are located, and that is within the Family Unit, and The Royal Queen, and her situations.

The Royal Order

Spiritual The Royal Order a force created by The Royal Queen, and specific to her and her situations are the governing force spiritually. The military, and police, are relegated towards respecting the authority of The Royal Order, for they are the governing force spiritually and beyond. They protect The Royal Queen, and her Royal Family. They also protect those in the heavens who need it.

Due to several obstacles over time, The Royal Order have had their up’s and downs, the force was initially in the millions initially, all housed and cared for by The Royal Queen, now the force has been streamlined to reflect a force, that is loyal and attentive to the interests of The Royal Queen. The Force is a force of action, and the requirements for The Royal Order are continually updated on an ongoing basis.


The year The Family Unit, The Royal Queen, and her situations finally came into their own, and her authority and her weight and presence finally started to make itself heir apparent, in various situations.

Spiritually the family unit, are thousands upon thousands strong, and their presence is felt, the governing authority spiritually are now recognizing The Royal Queen, and her family unit as a valuable resource, even though The Family Unit are still battling for their survival spiritually and otherwise. Unfortunately the battle with the various obstacles still continue, but increasingly the family unit are finding better ways to protect themselves and keep themselves safe, as the previous authorities dysfunctionally attempt to hold on to their previous ways of doing things. The dsyfunctionality of the past is gradually moving itself away from the heavens, and slowly overtime it’s hoped that other areas will adopt similar ways of doing things.

The Rules and Regulations for care, maintainace and governance

Throughout her spiritual rulership The Royal Queen, has been in authority for hundreds of years, but on earth province it’s been a short two years since the overt trappings of her rulership began to make it’s first presence felt and known.

Throughout her rulership, she has changed the way things are done in sending and receiving spiritually. She has molded and remodeled the heavens, which is now often referenced as one of the most well manicured heavens ever created. She has created educational institutions, and places of residence and sanctuary. The Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, has also remolded the institutions of incarcerations spiritually for more humane treatment of those that reside in such places.

The Office

The office is another dynamic and unique situation that has been created by The Royal Queen to deal with the everyday harsher realities of all that is occurring spiritually, and beyond. The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office is a fully functioning threat assessment team office, designed to mitigate and manage some of the more unpleasant things that are happening throughout the heavens and beyond. It’s one of the most proficient offices ever created, it’s also an international office, with an international presence. The office links in with the Help Me GRID, which is more formally known as The Royal Queen Support Services System, the office also links in with several other emergency services on a global basis, and scale.

Future Forward

The Royal Queen has taken A New Kingdom into something referenced as a futuristic, teleportation, time traveling society. The citizens of her kingdom, and her situations enjoy the benefits of A Spiritual Place, The knowledgebase, Bill 184 which is a universal bill, right, and privilege, and ofcourse The Family Units are now a vast and important part of her situations. Ever increasingly The Family Unit is growing spiritually, but as they grow it’s important to recall, and remember their roots, and how her rulership, her kingdom, global presence came about.

Quilts and Mazes

The Royal Queen initially created The Family Quilt for her family, and so they could have access to her situations if she wasn’t available, the children spiritually then created something called the mommies quilt, and from their several other quilts were created, in all their are now at least 15 quilts in total if not more, including a spiritual profiles quilt, a spiritual place quilt, the missing quilt, the royal queen’s quilt, diversity quilt, the unified quilt, and several others.

The mazes were also created by The Royal Queen as a means of protection, and beautification for the heavens, and as a means of protection, while her and her family are still stationed at something called The Robot Sentient Research Project. Just one of the many obstacles they are all still facing, and one of the objectives that they all need to see concurred for the New Year.

Keeping up with The Royal Family

Keeping up with the royal family of the heavens is pretty straight forward. The Family Unit offers a vast majority of updates, The Royal Queen spiritually and beyond is a very public figure, and as such makes it easy to follow up with her situations and adventures.

The Royal Mommie

Spiritually since The Royal Queen has been married several times, but is still single on earth province, spiritually she became known as The Royal Mother, meaning The Royal Mommie. Her kids spiritually reference to her as such, and on earth province, The Royal Mommie juxtapositioning between a spiritual existence filled with fun, children and laughter, to a fairly straight forward single, earth province existence. It is just one of those fun maneuvers that The Royal Mother has learnt to take care of.

On earth province her presence is starting to make itself felt via various situations such as her Royal Queen Security Clearances, The New Frequency suits that were created by her, for the safety and security of those on earth province. Via Bill 184, and her rules and regulations for care, maintenance and governance, via The Royal Queen Authority Financial System, also via the Unique Identification System, also with the many products and services she has created, such as if this song should be sung, and if this crime should be committed.

Keeping up with her adventures is easy, via A New Kingdom Quilt, and tuning into the various situations she keeps creating, makes it one of the most innovative, and yes interesting times in human history, and beyond.

The Adventure Begins

The adventure begins

From time to time citizens wish to catch up with The Royal Queen, and her New Kingdom adventures. They often wonder if there is anyway to be a part of some aspects of the adventures that she is having.

Unique Identifiers

I often recommend that citizens request their unique identifier information. You can just request it outloud and it will give you a unique identifier that you will require to be a part of her adventure.

I am requesting my unique identifier information:

Then just wait to receive your three digit or more identifier.

A Spiritual Place

The next thing citizens can do to be a part of her adventure is to request to be citizens of A Spiritual Place. “I wish to be a citizen of A Spiritual Place”, then just confirm that you are:

I am a citizen of A Spiritual Place. I am in accordance with doing the correct thing, I am under the Royal care and governance of The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, I comprehend, that she’s the one in the situation, she’s the one in charge, she’s the one that can seriously remove people from their outcomes. I confirm that I might be asked to do the incorrect thing, but I will always strive to do the correct things. I seriously confirm, that I don’t want what I haven’t got and I mean it.


Activate the knowledgebase by asking, What would Royal Queen, Georgia Marie Bailey do? The knowledgebase should activate with this question, and it’s a helpful resource to have.

Frequency Suits

Once your unique identifier is working, you can request that a frequency suit from The Royal Queen Authority Financial System be sent to you via the treasury. If you are eligible, then a suit will be sent, and you can review some of her adventures in the heavens, or the underwater kingdom, but be careful, because the heaves at times can be a dangerous place.

The Royal Queen Support Services System

To request help you can simply say, HELP ME yes, HELP Me Yes, file a report, and her grid system is there to assist.

A New Kingdom Quilt

If you can get the New Kingdom quilt to work, you might just be eligible to catch up on her adventures this way.

The Royal Queen Security Clearances

There are now several Royal Queen security clearances that enable you to be a part of her adventure, but the two most popular and relevant ones are retail therapy security clearance, and the fandom affiliation security clearances. They are specifically designed for citizens just like, or similar to yourselves.

Those are a few of the simple ways that you can request to be a part of her adventures.

Mogulistic, Dynastic, Empire

Mogulistic, Dynastic, Empire

The Royal Queens Empire & Kingdom consist of many parts.

The Royal Queen is maternal first and foremost, but is also entrepreneurial, and
has also created a futuristic, empire, that will hopefully span the test of

The Royal Queen has created an empire spiritually, consisting of a series of
stores, malls, hotels, restoration centers, fully functioning foundling homes,
and other places.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System is a part of that creation, along
with her other products and services, such as if this song should be sung, the
unique and personal identifiers. This makes The Royal Queen a bit of a mogul in
her own right.

She has also inherited several previous spiritual kingdoms, from her family and
alliances, those are part of existing dynastic empires, and from the ashes of
those empires has in part arisen A New Kingdom.

A New Kingdom consists of a physical trinity, including Head of New Kingdom, The
Underwater Kingdom, Hell Province, Gabriel’s Kingdom, and several other
locations. A New Kingdom also consists of tangible intangibles such as A
Spiritual Place, The knowledgebase, Bill 184, and The family units.

With these spiritual, and other holdings, such as the galactic provinces, and
dimensional realms, including Gabriel’s kingdom, she has an eclectic empire, that
is very diverse, it’s spiritual in nature, but it also reaches into earth
province and beyond.

The land, sea, waterway, airways, are hers and beyond, as the saying goes. Which
makes the Empire, a Mogulistic, Dynastic Empire. A New Kingdom is diverse, it
spans from the spiritual to the physical, and everything between, and beyond.

Parallel Timelines

Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Parallel Timelines

The Royal Queen who is a spiritual queen as well as an earth province queen, and as such has created a vast spiritual empire, who’s presence is being felt on earth province. She is the reigning and governing body spiritually, and her items have recreated the heavens and beyond, so that you have one of the most
advanced societies ever created.

Her spiritual influence is starting to be felt on the face of the planet, and until she can come into her own, she still has to face all her detractors, or obstacles as she calls them.

The obstacles created a situation recently, a takeover attempt of her spiritual kingdom, by trying to create separate timelines, where the individuals from the old monarchy were showing up as kings, and queens, which was the worst takeover bid ever.

The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, was successfully abel to foil the local monitoring teams from taking over her kingdom, but strict rules and regulations were then implemented, as were strict fines and penalties.

The plot was quite brilliant, just create separate timelines, using the items The Royal Queen had created, with a few different exceptions to the rules such as who the rightful rulers were, and transport her citizens there, and no one would ever know the difference, they would likely think her kingdom had been taken over.

Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.The timelines included such neat items such as:

-The Fully Functioning Foundling Homes
-The Royal Queen Authority Financial System
-The Royal Queens, Royal Threat Assessment Team Office
-The Royal Queens Security Clearances
-The Royal Queen Support Services System (Help Me GRID)
-A Spiritual Place
-The Family Units
-The Knowledge base
-Personal Identifiers
-The Maximum and minimum holding facilities
-The Royal Queen Luxury Hotels
-The Royal Queen’s Fine Food Stores
-The Royal Milk
-The Royal Queens Fresh Food Stores
-The Fully Functioning Fees and Fines office
-The Restoration and rehabilitation centers
-The Treasuries and bank accounts

A quick list of some of the items that were duplicated on these separate timelines, and used in a take over bid and attempt. Upon discovering the treachery, which had been ongoing for months, she foiled some of the plot, by restricting new timeline creations, requesting that such previous timelines be archived, and that citizens (spiritual) being held against their will be returned, unharmed.

All her items are required to be back into her realm, or original timeline, and negotiations are still ongoing for the safe return of some of her citizens. The citizens were encouraged to use The New Kingdom resources available to them, to try to escape back to their original world, or timeline.

Many tried logging into their natural courses outcome, using the treasuries to escape, the family units, or even the quilts. It was and is a truly trying time for The Royal Queen, because the obstacles are many, and she is one person trying to make a difference in the world.

On an upbeat note, The Royal Queen joined forces with several dozen fandomes, who think her ongoing adventure meats their wants and needs, thus one of the most interesting, and unique fandome unions were created.

On and also suitable upbeat manner, The Royal Queen created an international treaty with the prime minister of a suitable country, which means that international warrants, can now be issued, which is truly suitable if spiritual crimes, or even spiritual crimes with earth province implications are going to be dealt with in an effective manner.

Frequency suit crimes are decreasing continually, and some of the problems that the Robot Sentient Research Project created are being dealt with more effectively. Crime can now be address at the spiritual level, by having
perpetrators pay their annual fees and entries fees, and then be transported to the maximum or minimum holding facilities. The frequencies suits can now also in some case be stationed in local holding facilities, so little by little things were improving.

Image: Attribution: Chiswick Chap
Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Strawberry Hill House\\

The Royal Queen Presents Mazes

When The Royal Queen and her children were stationed at the Robot Sentient project, The Royal Queen for their spiritual captivity created a series of mazes
to ensure their safety, and freedom.

The mazes were in part based on previous labyrinths of old. The ideas was to
have a maze where only specific individuals could pass through, and others could
not. The Royal Queens was fairly innovative, in the sense that it had many
elements that had not previously been envisioned.

The Royal Queen’s Maze

Maze Requirements-The original mazes had an outer layer, and they formed the
basis of her maze, but within this structure, you could use your own Maze

Sanctuaries The Sanctuaries are places of rest within the maze, places of
sanctuary, that only specific individuals have access to.

Dimensional Portals-For those with multi-world access, there are dimensional

Galactic Portals-For those with out realm access, they provide an easy access
for those with the correct Royal Queen Security Clearances.

Quilts -Missing Quilt. -A quilt for those lost or missing.
-The Royal Queen’s Quilt. -A Quilt for the subjects of

Family Units-Places of rest that can be accessed.

A Spiritual Place-A Spiritual Place. A Spiritual Kingdom, individual entry
points were available within some of these maze points.

Dirty Old Man Fog- literally a fog in the labyrinth that surrounds the incorrect,
and assists the correct individuals.

Old Alone Done For Cloud– For those who are not doing the correct things, the
sentiment is there in advance.
Lure- Hidden Realm Lore, meaning fairytale realm lore. The idea was that some
aspects of the fairytale realm, meaning hidden realm would protect those in the
maze and keep them safe, while moving past the others that were not eligible.

Exits– At times it was hoped that the mazes would assist with an exist from The Robot Sentient Project.

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome.

Bill 184. Passed by The Royal Queen to enable her subjects to have the chance to become the correct people and do the correct things.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. A spiritual financial system, that is also an intergalactic, interplanetary, multidemensional system. The system is used in spiritual settings, as well as on earth province and other places. You can do all your necessary required financial transactions, plus order other really neat items. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System uses The Royalty as the main coin, but is a multi currency financial system.

Royal Queen Security Clearances. These are the new security clearances that are used all over the place, they are a spiritual based security system. The clearances are based on classes as well as levels, eg. Business class, level 45, etc. The higher the number the better. They are used in conjunction with the unique identifier system, and are some of the most secure clearances, and shielding.

Unique Identifier System. This is a system that enables financial transactions, and secure unique idenfifications. They are based on the individual, and can not be copied or duplicated, and thus work.

Eg. Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey

1. Creator of if this song should be sung.

2. Creator of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System.

3. Creator of Personal Identifiers.

If this song should be sung. Is a spiritual product, that enables you spiritually and on earth province to know if a song has been sung into existance. It’s immidiate and it works.

Personal Identifiers. They have been called the wireless telephone, but they do so much more than that, they are a extended version of a personal communication, location, security, companion device, that can do more than imagined.

Family Units. The family units were created by The Royal Queen Spiritually, they are based on the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, and they can now be access by most average persons that are a part of her situations. The family units much like the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, were created for her spiritual family, but are available on the face of the planet.

Knowledgebase. A knowledgebase system similar to the another spiritual record system, that enable the user to ask question, and get answers, also a spiritual archiving system.

New Kingdom Quilts. There are over 13 created. Some are just for The Royal Queen and her spiritual family, such as the Family Quilt, Mommies Quilt, Victoria Quilt, and some are available to everyone, such as The Royal Queens Quilt, Diversity Quilt, and the Missing Quilt. Some are specialized such as the Royal Order Quilt, etc.


New Kingdom Quilts

New Kingdom Quilts

Spiritually The Royal Queen and her family are now known as The Royal Family of the heavens, they are The Royal Family of the heavens and A New Kingdom, and have been for some time. After the old Monarchy was removed from the heavens,
The Royal Queen and her family, and their heritage became the family in the heavens. Through the good and bad, they have some real love for each other, and the things they are trying to create.

Family Quilt

The family quilt was created by The Royal Queen, The Royal Queen herself. The family quilt is all about the heritabe of her and her spiritual family. The spiritual family unlike the earth family are very diversified.

The family quilt spiritual includes a little of everything.

Egyptian Heritage
Biblical Heritage
Constantine Empire
Alexandrian Empire
Mount Olympus
Underwater realm
Underrealm realm
Hell Province
Gabriel’s Kingdom
A Spiritual Place

There are many lines that converge within this unit family. Though not exactly owned by The Royal Queen, the hidden realm should most definatly be mentioned, it’s a most suitable realm, and a large part of their family heriitage.

Mommies Quilt

The mother (mommy) quilt was created by The Royal Queen’s spiritual children. On earth province The Royal Queen is single, and has no earth bound children, but spiritual she has hundreads upon hundreads on children in her world. The children are some of the most polite children, and most suitable.

The mommy quilt that was created includes all the most beloved items that belong to The Royal Queen. They include:

The Family Units
Mother’s Favorite Foods
Flowers & Sunshine

The quilt is quite spectacular, and it litterally encompaeses most of the heavens, and it litterally a combination of all the things created, loved, and owned by The Royal Queen and her family. It is uniquely theirs, and it was
created by the spiritual children of The Royal Queen.

The official family unit song. Countdown ~Beyonce

Royal Order Quilt

The Royal Order is a spiritual force or troop created by The Royal Queen. They were desinged to make the heavens proud. A troop that would represent all of A New Kingdom.

The Royal Order Quilt is designed specifically for The Order, meaning Royal Order.

-The Royal Order Circle
-Royal Order Levels

Robot Sentient Project Quilt

This is a quilt that was invented to free individuals from the captivity from whence they were being held. The quilt is located inside of The Robot Sentient Project, typically if someone is in the correct situations, and doing the
correct things, they can request the quilt, and it might just assist them with being freed from The Robot Sentient Project.

The Royal Queen’s Quilt

This was a quilt for The Royal Queen so that her subjects, or citizens could have access to their items. When The Royal Queen created or established her items, the items were being interfared with, thus via the quilts, her subjects could access all their items.

-Royal Queen Security Clearances
-Royal Queen Financial System
-Frequency Suits
-If this song should be sung
-Royal Queen Support Services System
-Bill 184
-A Spiritual Place
-Family Units

The Diversity Quilt

-This quilt is so that anyone who feels excluded may at least feel welcome here. The Quilts motto is, at least here, you may find a home. Across the galaxy, anyone who feels excluded, or who doesn’t fit it, can find their way into this quilt, and at least there, they may find a home.

Unified Quilt

Is a combination of three quilts, combined for one powerful outcome.
Targeted Individuals
Black Panther
Indigo Ribbon

The Basic Tenants

A Futuristic Teleportation Time Travelling Society

A Futuristic Teleportation Timetravelling Society. In creating a world for her family and friends, The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey ended up creating a futuristic, teleportation, timetravelling society. A society where you have the heart, mind and soul of New Kingdom being the family unit, the knowledgebase, and A Spiritual Place, but in addition to this, the citizens are entitled to her care and governance.

Bill 184

One of the first rights that each citizen has is something called Bill 184, it literally gives them the chance to become the correct person, and do the correct things. The bill covers a world of themes, and it’s one of the most important items afforded to citizens of A New Kingdom.

Royal Queen Security Clearances

The next thing neat thing about New Kingdom is that each citizen has their citizenships that are granted by The Royal Queen. They can request their Royal Queen Security Clearances and their citizenships, these items work in conjunction to enable each citizen, and none citizen alike to understand the perimeter of their clearance. Where they can visit, and what their security level clearance statuses are. These items can and do change on a regular bases, so therefore the items are updated on a regular and reoccurring basis.

Natural Courses outcomes

This item actually helps the citizens of New Kingdom, to determine the items that belong to them. Therefore it’s important that they log in at least once in their lifetimes. The other neat thing this does is it entitles the citizens, to partake in The Royal Queen’s futuristic teleportation, timetravelling society.

Rules and Regulations for care and governance

The Royal Queen has created a series of rules and regulations for the care and governance of the citizens of New Kingdom. The rules help to ensure the safety of the citizens, but to also enable others to understand the perimeters of what’s acceptable and not acceptable within the confines of her  kingdom. Just like most other societies, the rules are there, they are working, and if you have a question, you can always ask her.

The Family Quilt

This is a unique items that’s sent to members of her immediate family and extended family. Members of her Royal household can request this item, it enables them the capacity to visit places, and locations belonging to The Royal Queen without all the bother of travelling all the normal routes. It also gives each member of the family, the opportunity to understand their unique family history, and some of the additional items that The Royal Queen has in her care and possession.

The Knowledgebase

This is similar to the Akashic Records. The archive is based on the mind, knowledge, and wisdom of The Royal Queen. That was the base used for the knowledgebase. It’s also a well of knowledge that archives information for the individuals in New Kingdom. It enables the citizens to be some of the most educated citizens in New Kingdom. The knowledgebase is something utilized by some of the most highly functioning individuals in New Kingdom, on a daily basis.

A Spiritual Place

A Spiritual Place is her spiritual kingdom, but it’s also a universal kingdom, and it’s the soul of A New Kingdom. Those who are able to enter A Spiritual Place are able to travel various places in a matter of minutes, they are able to encounter some of the original citizens of A Spiritual Place. It’s a place to share ideas, beauty, and to truly be a little bit more enlightened. Only those in the correct situation can enter A Spiritual Place, and once you are there, you can choose to share your experience of A Spiritual Place with others, or you can keep your experience private. It’s one of the safest environments on the face of earth province, and the heavens. Many of the younger citizens of New Kingdom can be found playing there in safety.

The Family Unit

The Family Unit is the heart of New Kingdom, it’s there because through the good and the bad, through all the upheavals, the journey’s, good and bad, the family pulled together. They kept themselves together through some of the most horrific things ever imagined. They had real love for each other, a bond that will hopefully never be broken, for years down the line to come.

The family units are a place of love, unity, and bonding, it’s where they citizen go to feel safe, to connect with their family groups, and to be a part of the heart of a really great society. The main thing that differentiates New Kingdom from other Kingdoms is the family unit, it’s more important that anything else, because it’s believed that strong family units will create a strong, well balanced kingdom.