New Kingdom, New Kingdom

2New Kingdom, New Kingdom, is one of the most beautiful locations within New Kingdom. It’s a place for romance and relaxation, even though those inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, always think that it could be a little bit more exciting. It’s really one of the most exciting places on the face of the planet.

Those inside would be more enlivened if they explored New Kingdom, New Kingdom. At one point it was one of the safest places inside of A New Kingdom. It’s known for it’s beautiful waterfalls, tapestries, and wall hangings. It’s truly one of the wealthiest, most beautiful places that you could hope to visit. It’s also where one of The Royal Queen’s palaces are located. She has at least two or three inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, but when she was there, it is at the palace that she stayed.

The Waterfalls were some of the most beautiful ever seen or created, New Kingdom, New Kingdom came about because the citizens were citizens of A Spiritual Place, They had Bill 184 and were using it, they were part of The Family Unit, or part of Family Units, and they they were also actively using The Knowledgebase, once they were doing that, New Kingdom, New Kingdom, one day magically formed inside of A New Kingdom, and it has never been the same ever since.


The structure was the most solid, beautiful that they have ever seen. The walls formed all around everything, and the structures were very solid. People looked slightly different when they were inside the original New Kingdom, New Kingdom. They were clear on the whole situation. When inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, your clothing use to just magically transform themselves, and you would be wearing pure white, and the clothing were  so very classic, so very eloquent, every looked a specific way and functioned a specific way, it’s the only situation that did not make sense. It was so beautiful it was unreal, but it was there, and so many people were determined to be citizens.

The Royal Queen can still recall the first time it formed, and how amazing the whole thing was, it’s one of the more clear memories. The children and adults, running inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, because it was one of the safest places.

The couples that were there had the most beautiful time one afternoon, all of them in their dresses, and suits, or relaxed semi casual outfits for the men, all were hanging out inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, and a place formed just for couples, a place in celebration of couples. The Royal Queen could see them all that day, her cousin was there that day, she was amongst them.

Spiritually The Royal Queen had a son named Charles spiritually, and he was married to her cousin Bridgette, which made him second cousins to her cousin. They looked so happy that day, but that was not to last either, but at least for a moment everything could be happy, and in perfect form.

They had married spiritually, since Charles does not have an earth bound being, all of The Royal Queen’s biological children, only exist in flesh cause she has none in spirit, meaning they only exist in spirit, for she has none in flesh yet. It’s not that The Royal Queen did not want to have children on earth, but the conditions had not presented themselves. She wanted to be married, and in an eligible type situation, and until those conditions presented themselves, she would remain single on earth, and likely forebear having earth bound children for the time being. In the mean time she loved her spiritual family, and the earth province children very much.

The children she has on Earth Province are the one’s she has via adoption, she has adopted them spiritually, but those spiritual adoptions are said to be also valid on earth, that is what is said.  In the mean time she also has children by spirit of adoption from her spiritual marriage to Lucifer. There are thousands, upon thousands of   them on earth,  they have spiritual and earth bound bodies, and thus she has children in this mannerism, capacity, and regard.

The children visit with their frequency suits, and they are the most innocent of people. Their spiritual heritage was Hell Province in most cases, and now they are all a part of her family unit. They have all come together to form The Family Unit. One of the most dynamic Family Units in human history. It’s so diverse, it’s international, galactic, and comprises also the hundreds of children The Royal Queen also gave birth to spiritually. It’s literally the most interesting time in human history.


The Royal Queen upon seeing the beauty of New Kingdom, New Kingdom sent for Royal Rugs, Wall Hangings and Tapestries, she wanted New Kingdom, New Kingdom, to have all that was suitable.

The beauty of the rungs, wall hanging and tapestries is something she can recall. Red and gold were the colours that would adorn the location. The rugs would be of their own choosing and making, and as if by magic they appear as requested. Some of the most beautiful that The Royal Queen had ever seen. Such a place was New Kingdom, New Kingdom.

The citizens would work really hard to retain their citizenship. They lived and functioned a specific way. New Kingdom, New Kingdom also had The Royal Order guarding them, they use to be inside and around the walls of New Kingdom.

Having a working and functioning Royal Order force actually made sense. The citizen could be protected and The Royal Order guarded the parameters. The Obstacles were still there, and so safety was still a concern, but inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, for once the children, friends, and family that were inside New Kingdom, New Kingdom, could feel a little bit more safe, they could live in beauty and have it make sense.

The problem with New Kingdom, New Kingdom and her spiritual situations back then is that the local monitoring units had found a way to play around with, and manipulate spiritual reality. Ever since The Royal Queen had been kidnapped spiritually, and experimented on, they had used parts of her spiritual, body and being to try to gain access to various locations, and to do specific manipulations that did not make sense. Such was the spiritual situation.

When New Kingdom, New Kingdom was there there was internal access between Earth Province cities. From Toronto, to New York, Paris, and London, the citizens of New Kingdom could walk between the tunnels or channels that appeared, and disappeared at a moments notice. Just like the stair cases of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, they appear and disappear at a moments notice. As they are needed they just appear, and as they are unneeded they just disappear, it’s one of the most interesting places to visit. Yet it seems so tame, because for a moment they could enjoy, the safety, security and beauty.

New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was so beautiful in fact that several of her children elected not to live their until they could handle the beauty prosperity of the place. They had had nice things spiritual, many grew up in The Fully Functioning Foundling Homes or the palaces that The Royal Queen had, but most even though accustomed to nice things, had never seen anything liken unto the beauty, and splendour of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. It was a place that you really had to become accustomed to. The Royal Queen took to New Kingdom, New Kingdom, right away, it was just her type of situation, it seriously made sense to her. It was one of the few times, things were working, and functioning the way that they were suppose to be working and functioning.

The outside of the walls were protected with a hardened material of precious metals, that was one of the protections of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. Also to enter you had to have The Royal Queen Security Clearances. That was a part of the security of the city. Citizenship had to be applied for, and to retain it you had to be a part of New Kingdom, New Kingdom for a short space of time, but that is what it took to be a citizen.

Her palaces there, the Queenships and Kingships are some of the most straight forward situations ever created. New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was created specifically as a part of The Royal Queen’s situations, so no one should ever have had Queenship’s there before, but most importantly, it’s another part of her rulership that is not ever brought into question, much like her mogulistic dynastic empire, that she created.