The Royal Queen’s Day. June 5th 2014

TheRoyalty3dminiThis year let’s make it a day to remember. The second annual The Royal Queen’s Day. June 5th, 2014. A Day to remember. Light celebrations will be held, at various locations. A spiritual display of fireworks and other offering will be sent.

Spiritual gifts will be sent out via The Royal Queen Authority Financial Services, and The Royal Queen Delivery Service. Inside of A Spiritual Place, there will be lot’s to do and see. Aura will put on some celebrations of their own. Watermelon, cake and other light refreshments could be served at various locations, spiritual or otherwise.

The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, and her Family Unit, The Royal Family Of The Heavens will hold their own celebrations. Her spiritual palaces and other locations, are available to visitors upon request. They all use the unique identifier system, so place make your requests in advance.

The Royal Queen is the creator of The Royal Order, She also created The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, The Call Center, Scribes Press, The only free press. Community Planning and Implementation, and The Royal Queen Support Services System, and Spiritual Based Products, that are assisting humanity with moving one step forward at a time.

To find out more about The Royal Queen, visit and visit the links to her other websites, and find out about additional projects and incentives that she is working on or responsible for.

World Of The Royal Queen -Books

bg2fThe Royal Queen, her world and her adventures. The Adventure happened in advance, and this site, chronicles parts of the adventure.

You can follow along as the adventure is chronicled, and hope to see you at the end of the adventure, or when the adventure has a dim, a hun, a pause, a silence. At a finer, quieter, more refined moment in the adventure.

Love and Respect,

The Royal Queen,
Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey


If you like the series and are interested, please take a moment to purchase a copy at or Thanks.

WOTRQ-My Favorite Things -FavoriteThingsThe first book in the series. Call My Favorite things. It’s a nice start to the series.

World Of The Royal Queen-My Favorite things.

World Of The Royal Queen MyFavoriteThings-FandomSample

Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail

The second book in the series.

World Of The Royal Queen -Tool Tips




The third in the series.

World Of The Royal Queen -Places

World Of The Royal Queen-Places

Now also available at LULU.COM or

For the Children’s Books please visit the Children’s section.

Community Planning and Implementation CommunityPlanningandImplementation-1

Community Planning and Implementation.

The project The Royal Queen has been working on for over the last two years. It’s finally arrived to fruition, and it’s now eligible.

Booklet available at

Community Implementation and Planning

World_Map_1689-2Community Implementation and Planning

A Global Plan, for a global initiative. The idea is to have a harmonized plan of implementation that can benefit most individuals across the face of the planet. It means connecting with various sources on a global basis to  implement plans of action, and activities that enable humanity to be thee eligible to be in the correct situations, and it’s in line with all the objectives.

The idea is to have a holistic approach to communities. I prefer to not have homogenized communities, but I do want to have communities where you can walk in, and have a familiar look and feel.

There should be some basics that makes sense to everyone, or just about everyone. The basics that are likely to make the most sense are things such as:

  • The Royal Queen Security Clearances
  • Unique Identifiers

A universal cash exchange system similar to The Royal Queen Authority Financial System may also make sense, it would be nice to see, but not necessarily essential.  Basic community changes, and items are what will be implemented across the board.

The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office

The Office, handles situations and finds solutions. The office is there to be ever present, not ever visulent.  They actually deal with the individuals that are problematic for the society, vs creating files on individuals that do not need to be tracked and monitored. They are updated spiritually on a regular and on going basis. The link in with several different sources, to create one of the most effective situation, solutions on the face of the planet.

The Royal Queen Support Services System

The HELP ME GRID is a universal help me grid system. It files reports on behalf of individuals. It’s there to assist, and it links in and connects with several other such systems.

The system has been planned, and is an essential part of community planning and implementation. It’s there to assist communities and individuals in their day to day lives. The system takes, and files spiritual based reports, which are then now aligned synchronized, and harmonized with current systems.

Filing a spiritual report, it then links in with other systems, it then links in with earth based, and universal systems, or components. Those reports are then actioned.

The Royal Order

A Universal Force for a universal objective. The Royal Order is likely to play a pivitol role in future endeavors. They are a league designed to assist with a variety of situations, and they find solutions that are universal and unique. They are well trained in some cases, or activated on an ongoing and rotational basis. They are eligible to assist with the correct situation. We believe that when the correct person is called into the correct situation, at the correct moment and time, it can create monumental changes and effects in a ways that benefits the society as a whole.

They are alert hopefully, ever more increasingly active, they have the spiritual authority over ever other force, and hopefully in future will play an increasingly more pivitol role in community planning and implementation.

The Royal Queen Standards Bureau

This offices aligns spiritual objectives and standards, and ensures that there is an alignment, a harmonized standards of operating, and operations

  • The Maximum and Minimum Holding Facilities
  • The Royal Queen Institutions of Learning (Education)
  • Health Care

The Maximum and Minimum Holding Facilities

The Maximum and minimum holding facilities play a substantial role in community planning and implementation, and what will be occurring every more increasingly is that when a crime is commuted, and penal intervention is required, the holding facilities will pay a unique role, possibly along with The Office, in evaluating those individuals, and ensuring that penal time spiritually is in universal alignment.

This means if a situation does occur, a crime is committed, or something where penal intervention is required, both objectives, and time that is required, will now be harmonized.

Filing a spiritual report, and having it linking in with the earth province component, and then, having those reports being actioned.


The databases in most cases have been aligned and are more in line with objectives. With the current databases information didn’t always have the accuracy that was required. With these new databases that use and utilize the Unique Identifier system, information is more correct and accurate.

The databases can also have more concise and correct information. Who was in the incident, relevant and suitable details can be included, while still respecting the privacy of the individual. In an emergency information can be also tracked more accurately and responded to in an more effective mannerism.

Social Psychologists

Social Psychologists play a huge role in community implementation and planning. They have the harmonized skill set that is necessary to get the situations aligned and in order. Their unique view of situations play a pivitol and universal role in community implementation and planning.

They have a duo skill set that focuses on the social, but also the psychological aspects of the situations. Previous situation focused on the psychology of the situation, and at times neglected, negated, or flat out ignored the social, or underlying social aspects. These are all now taken into consideration with this newly implemented format of doing things.

Community Advisors

These are individuals in their own capacities that care about their communities, and have a beneficial effect upon the community. They are aware of the situations that are ongoing and take measures to implement, or enact changes that assist, have a positive changes or affect the community in a beneficial manner.

They are consistent and they make sense. Some will or will not have the social psychologist, possibly researcher, background, but they will be or will have played a positive role in their communities.


Standards that are in line, on par, or in semi alignment with The Royal Queen Institutions of Learning, and access to education or information.

Each student should have the chance to become the correct person, doing the correct thing, and they should have the chance and opportunity for a reasonable amount of time.

Health Care

I would like to implemented a system of health care and reforms that benefit that vast majority of individuals. I would like to see that health care distributed for free, or at a reasonable cost to the individual. The mechanisms are there in place, and individuals should be given access to information.

I would like to see Personal Identifiers used as a source of evaluations, comprehensive evaluations that seriously make sense. Once the evaluations are done, I would like to then see methods implemented for treatment, therapy, or both for a reasonable cost.

I would like to see the heath care system link in with alternative systems thus a holistic application to treatment could be implemented. If community Councillors are needed, medical professional, social psychologists, remote Councillors, financial well being assistance, and so forth, that could be instituted.

Functionality and Flow

The  system that is being created, or that has been created is one of flow and functionality. Hopefully a system or situation that seriously makes sense. It is harmonized with spiritual based, earth province, and universal systems.

The system must be versatile and it must function. I would like to see the vast majority of previous dsyfunctionality discontinue.
versatile, and it must function.

The current systems,  cost lives, money, the vast majority of individuals operating are operating over their budgets, because the current system does not have the financial functionality it needs to survive. It also cost innocent people their lives, I can cocognizant this, by the string of innocent individuals that have been affected by these current systems.

The individuals in these situations are starting to use spiritual based situations to record, file reports, do investigations, and that is the reason mini conspiracies are literally also being recorded. It’s a fresh start in the way things are done.

Changes need to be made, they need to be implemented and planned. Those changes however need to be made by those who are not too dsyfunctional, they need to be made by those who are functional enough to comprehend that a change needs to be made.

Some positions are likely better off, if they are not infiltrated situations such as the informant system. Some who were on this system, have remained unchanged, and thus could be still eligible to play a vital role in creating situations, and giving helpful suggestion, feedback and advise to specific parts of community planning and implementation. We are always, or often willing to work with functional individuals.

There are some hard and fast rules, some versatile rules, but primarily, those waste of space and time and energies that are a continual pattern of misbehavior, bad deeds, deliberately socially  disruptive, criminally inclined, need to be curtailed, and either placed into better streams, of social action, or thought, or they need to be curtailed in a way that makes sense to the society, and if possible to the individual.

The Royal Queen

Jean-Honoré_Fragonard_-_La_lettre_d'amourRoyal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey

Years ago The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey decided to be The Royal Queen, she just didn’t know it at the time. Over the years she would have many adventures, many situations, that would create the person that she would become. There are so many parts to this person that created the whole.

On Earth she is a normal enough person, grew up the normal way, a dark haired, brown eyed girl. Light brown skin, average height, but above average height in boots, and has fun being herself. There is no one else on earth she can think that she might rather be, there is this one guy, rumour has it he has more fun than her, but that could be a myth, otherwise, she is pretty happy with her existence.

She has a normal Caribbean background, or heritage, but grew up in one of the most international Canadian cities on the face of the planet. Where she grew up is a vast majority of where her core established itself. Also her years of television watching, listening to radio, and reading, were primary contributors. That in brief is where her earth province up bringing came from.

She was a bit of a tomboy when she was younger, but always had to wear a dress to church. She would often look out for those that were younger, from the time she was a small child. Three or younger it was always that way with her, she is a big fan of Anne Of Green Gables, and other such strong willed characters, for they were plentiful in her childhood, and instrumental.

The Spiritual

Her spiritual existence is recent. She is the girl that walks around with the frequency, she never really thought she had a frequency, until a few years back. She would always wonder if people could hear her thoughts outloud, and use to think that it was silly. Now she is clear that it was not that silly.

Spiritually she has only become cognizant of her spiritual existence over the last few years, that’s when she really became aware of herself. Spiritually her features are all the same, except spiritually her eyes are kind of blue, and at first she could have sworn they were hazel. She is a bit of a Buffy spiritually, she has blond hair, blue eyes, and is white. It’s never clear why she resembles herself fully, but looks slightly different spiritually, in the sense that her hair, eyes, skin are different, otherwise her features are identical. It makes or has made for an interesting existence over the last few years, needless to say.

What’s also interesting about The Royal Queen is that spiritually, she has a twin. Her twin sister is a parallel world twin, an identical twin girl, with the exact same spiritual features. She is white with blond hair and blue eyes, but describes herself as a black person, even though her physical traits are white. Analorra has all the attitude that The Royal Queen is missing, is considered the cuter, more sexy twin of the two, and is considered more fun to be around. Everyone more or less loves an Analorra, Analorra Visic, but their existence is so strange, it doesn’t even make sense.

Analorra physical being is literally located in a parallel world, so even though they can hang out spiritually, Analorra would have to find an earth province person on this world, that is similar or the same, and see if she could exist in that way. Mostly her physical being is in her parallel world, where she also has blond hair, and blue eyes, and does or doesn’t resemble herself fully.

Lately Analorra does visit her twin sister, via what’s called a frequency suit, those enable a person to travel in ways never before dreamed or imagined. The Frequency suits enable parallel world individuals, transcended persons, spiritual based individuals, and galactic individuals to visit in ways not previously thought of.

The Adventure

The Royal Queen in her mature young life, has been through quite an adventure. Her earth province existence was fairly normal at first, till someone sent her into what would surly have been the path of her systemic destruction.

She would be systemically targeted for over a decade to fifteen years of her earth province existence. For no good reason, she would learn the battle field of her own existence, and she would learn to have a fighter, or warrior mentality. She would learn to multitask, and have have an entrepreneurial spirit. All these experiences, situations, and activities, would prepare her for a global situation.

Her world is the one that they ended up visiting, her world is the one that was aware. The watering hole that they all visited to learn the latest news, plots, conspiracies, and they visited this world on a global scale.

That was her world, then she met the first two Williams, and one other, who would serve but to place her, and her spiritual existence, into the incorrect situations, doing the incorrect things. That’s where the spiritual adventure begins, her and her friends before the end of it, would be kidnapped, raped, beaten, experimented on, systemically murdered spiritually, and returned from the great beyond several times.

Spiritually is where she would establish herself as The Royal Queen, spiritually is where her situations later begun to form. A Spiritual Place would be her primer kingdom, also spiritually is where she would establish her beginnings in building a global, and then universal empire.

The world she created spiritually, the most well manicured heavens ever created. This world would eventually be the only world, and in time they would become familiar with her, and the items she created. Little by little it is her, and her vision alone that would be remaining. The rest would fade, or be vanquished into the background.

The products and services she created, the rules and regulations she would establish would be the one that would govern them spiritually, on the face of the planet, and beyond. Eventually her rulership would be a universal one, but that would only occur in time.

The kingdom she would establish, A New Kingdom was what would be remaining, and it is the kingdom that spiritual kind, humanity, galactic, interplanetary, and dimensional kind would turn to, after the wars, and battles spiritually, for the take over of The Heavens.

Those are the situations that had been implemented it made it almost impossible to take over The Heavens, but what they could not take over, they could systemically break down and attempt to destroy. In time most of her earth province family would be destroyed it ways that would never show up physically, but emotionally they would not be the same sort of individuals, and they would never function the exact same way again, they became the sort she could not always trust or count on, those who sought to destroy her, could not destroy her, so they went after them heavily, and horribly. It was one of the worst times in human history, but their atrocities would not be documented the same ways that others had.

Since they could not take over the exact same way they had hoped, they also gathered up the rest of humanity, they had a plan, and had it not been for the girl, and the situations that she created, most of humanity would have been lost, enslaved behind the scenes, hopelessly lost, powerless, but to do the bidding of those who had captured, them and held sway.

The Royal Queen would sit and wonder at times, were they ever grateful for anything, or any of the scarfices? Unknown, but most really just started to function in the incorrect ways, behind the scenes, others acted out openly, becoming the individuals they had not envisioned. Those who sought to break them, broke them well. Others they just systemically removed from their existences. It was a global clearing, a war that had been fought, and was still being fought behind the scenes. Having the local informants, and monitoring units, gathering spiritual, human, dimensional, and even galactic kind alike. Raping them and systemically destroying them for what would be dozens, upon dozens of spiritual years alike, till those rank, foul, existences, slowly started to become their realities. They spared no mercy for men, women, or children, they were all the same things to them, and they raped, molested, and violated them all the same way.

New Kingdom, New Kingdom

2New Kingdom, New Kingdom, is one of the most beautiful locations within New Kingdom. It’s a place for romance and relaxation, even though those inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, always think that it could be a little bit more exciting. It’s really one of the most exciting places on the face of the planet.

Those inside would be more enlivened if they explored New Kingdom, New Kingdom. At one point it was one of the safest places inside of A New Kingdom. It’s known for it’s beautiful waterfalls, tapestries, and wall hangings. It’s truly one of the wealthiest, most beautiful places that you could hope to visit. It’s also where one of The Royal Queen’s palaces are located. She has at least two or three inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, but when she was there, it is at the palace that she stayed.

The Waterfalls were some of the most beautiful ever seen or created, New Kingdom, New Kingdom came about because the citizens were citizens of A Spiritual Place, They had Bill 184 and were using it, they were part of The Family Unit, or part of Family Units, and they they were also actively using The Knowledgebase, once they were doing that, New Kingdom, New Kingdom, one day magically formed inside of A New Kingdom, and it has never been the same ever since.


The structure was the most solid, beautiful that they have ever seen. The walls formed all around everything, and the structures were very solid. People looked slightly different when they were inside the original New Kingdom, New Kingdom. They were clear on the whole situation. When inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, your clothing use to just magically transform themselves, and you would be wearing pure white, and the clothing were  so very classic, so very eloquent, every looked a specific way and functioned a specific way, it’s the only situation that did not make sense. It was so beautiful it was unreal, but it was there, and so many people were determined to be citizens.

The Royal Queen can still recall the first time it formed, and how amazing the whole thing was, it’s one of the more clear memories. The children and adults, running inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, because it was one of the safest places.

The couples that were there had the most beautiful time one afternoon, all of them in their dresses, and suits, or relaxed semi casual outfits for the men, all were hanging out inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, and a place formed just for couples, a place in celebration of couples. The Royal Queen could see them all that day, her cousin was there that day, she was amongst them.

Spiritually The Royal Queen had a son named Charles spiritually, and he was married to her cousin Bridgette, which made him second cousins to her cousin. They looked so happy that day, but that was not to last either, but at least for a moment everything could be happy, and in perfect form.

They had married spiritually, since Charles does not have an earth bound being, all of The Royal Queen’s biological children, only exist in flesh cause she has none in spirit, meaning they only exist in spirit, for she has none in flesh yet. It’s not that The Royal Queen did not want to have children on earth, but the conditions had not presented themselves. She wanted to be married, and in an eligible type situation, and until those conditions presented themselves, she would remain single on earth, and likely forebear having earth bound children for the time being. In the mean time she loved her spiritual family, and the earth province children very much.

The children she has on Earth Province are the one’s she has via adoption, she has adopted them spiritually, but those spiritual adoptions are said to be also valid on earth, that is what is said.  In the mean time she also has children by spirit of adoption from her spiritual marriage to Lucifer. There are thousands, upon thousands of   them on earth,  they have spiritual and earth bound bodies, and thus she has children in this mannerism, capacity, and regard.

The children visit with their frequency suits, and they are the most innocent of people. Their spiritual heritage was Hell Province in most cases, and now they are all a part of her family unit. They have all come together to form The Family Unit. One of the most dynamic Family Units in human history. It’s so diverse, it’s international, galactic, and comprises also the hundreds of children The Royal Queen also gave birth to spiritually. It’s literally the most interesting time in human history.


The Royal Queen upon seeing the beauty of New Kingdom, New Kingdom sent for Royal Rugs, Wall Hangings and Tapestries, she wanted New Kingdom, New Kingdom, to have all that was suitable.

The beauty of the rungs, wall hanging and tapestries is something she can recall. Red and gold were the colours that would adorn the location. The rugs would be of their own choosing and making, and as if by magic they appear as requested. Some of the most beautiful that The Royal Queen had ever seen. Such a place was New Kingdom, New Kingdom.

The citizens would work really hard to retain their citizenship. They lived and functioned a specific way. New Kingdom, New Kingdom also had The Royal Order guarding them, they use to be inside and around the walls of New Kingdom.

Having a working and functioning Royal Order force actually made sense. The citizen could be protected and The Royal Order guarded the parameters. The Obstacles were still there, and so safety was still a concern, but inside of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, for once the children, friends, and family that were inside New Kingdom, New Kingdom, could feel a little bit more safe, they could live in beauty and have it make sense.

The problem with New Kingdom, New Kingdom and her spiritual situations back then is that the local monitoring units had found a way to play around with, and manipulate spiritual reality. Ever since The Royal Queen had been kidnapped spiritually, and experimented on, they had used parts of her spiritual, body and being to try to gain access to various locations, and to do specific manipulations that did not make sense. Such was the spiritual situation.

When New Kingdom, New Kingdom was there there was internal access between Earth Province cities. From Toronto, to New York, Paris, and London, the citizens of New Kingdom could walk between the tunnels or channels that appeared, and disappeared at a moments notice. Just like the stair cases of New Kingdom, New Kingdom, they appear and disappear at a moments notice. As they are needed they just appear, and as they are unneeded they just disappear, it’s one of the most interesting places to visit. Yet it seems so tame, because for a moment they could enjoy, the safety, security and beauty.

New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was so beautiful in fact that several of her children elected not to live their until they could handle the beauty prosperity of the place. They had had nice things spiritual, many grew up in The Fully Functioning Foundling Homes or the palaces that The Royal Queen had, but most even though accustomed to nice things, had never seen anything liken unto the beauty, and splendour of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. It was a place that you really had to become accustomed to. The Royal Queen took to New Kingdom, New Kingdom, right away, it was just her type of situation, it seriously made sense to her. It was one of the few times, things were working, and functioning the way that they were suppose to be working and functioning.

The outside of the walls were protected with a hardened material of precious metals, that was one of the protections of New Kingdom, New Kingdom. Also to enter you had to have The Royal Queen Security Clearances. That was a part of the security of the city. Citizenship had to be applied for, and to retain it you had to be a part of New Kingdom, New Kingdom for a short space of time, but that is what it took to be a citizen.

Her palaces there, the Queenships and Kingships are some of the most straight forward situations ever created. New Kingdom, New Kingdom, was created specifically as a part of The Royal Queen’s situations, so no one should ever have had Queenship’s there before, but most importantly, it’s another part of her rulership that is not ever brought into question, much like her mogulistic dynastic empire, that she created.

Spiritual Based Products

Spiritual Based Products

Circe_Invidiosa_-_John_William_Waterhouse 1The Royal Queen as part of her spiritual empire, created spiritual based products. She created them primarily to look after her spiritual based family, to protect them and keep them safe.

Her spiritual based products actually make sense. they were created with her friends, and family in mind.

The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office

This is the sort of of office that The Royal Queen has always dreamed of creating, it was created as one of the first, if not the only spiritual based Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, it’s an office, and not an agency. The Office as it’s called, creates some of the neatest files, the files are based on something called the unique identifier system. It keeps accurate track of the files that are created. The Office ensures better quality of files created, and ways of dealing with situations, and finding solutions.

The Call Center

Another highly anticipated item The Royal Queen created was something called The Call Center. It’s the first spiritual based call center of it’s kind, that she is aware of. The Call Center now answers calls, takes surveys, and makes calls, on behalf of The Royal Queen and her items.

They make calls to ensure that the customers, and citizens are happy, safe, healthy, or even just effectively using, or utilizing the products and or services that they have ordered.

The Call Center does make calls on behalf of spiritual based systems, products, or applicable services.

The Call Center will also answer calls about The Royalty, the spiritual based coin, that is used as part of the cash exchange system.

 The Royal Queen Authority Financial System

The first of it’s kind, or one of the first of it’s kind. Designed to be a spiritual based, cash exchange system. The case exchange system was so suitable, they decided to also use it on earth province.

Also with being a cash exchange system. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System also sell spiritual based products, items such as: if this song should be sung, if this accident should happen, and if this crime should be committed. Some of our most popular products.

 The Royal Queen Support Services System

A Spiritual Based, Help Me Grid. The system provides help and assistance to those who need it, it’s a universal HELP ME GRID system. Based on some of the per-existing features of A Spiritual Place. The system will respond to those who need assistance wherever they are.

The Help Me Grid is voice activated, and it was created by The Royal Queen one day, when she went in search of assisting someone who had contacted her for assistance. She could not find them, was desperately searching for them, and that is when the first Grid was activated. It took information about the cry for help, and filed a report on behalf of the person. The Royal Queen thought if it could be of help or assistance for one person, it could be of aid or assistance for other people.

From there it grew, little by little, and in a few years from the time of creation, it would become a universal Help Me Grid, that would assist people from all over the galaxy and beyond.

Other items

The Royal Queen would go on to create a variety of other products and services. It was one of the most interesting times in human history.  To find out more about The Royal Queen, you can visit her world.

The Places Of A New Kingdom

The Places Of A New Kingdom


The Under Water Kingdom
(Poseidon’s Kingdom)`The Underwater Kingdom is the stuff of fables and legends, but really, The Royal Queen, just calls it her father’s kingdom, it’s a place she called home briefly, during her brief (non) marriage to Lucifer. It was their third or forth  time being married again, and it was where they stayed in part. She calls it her fathers kingdom, because even though Poseidon is not her song father, at the highest spiritual level, he is the one she relates to most, and calls dad. Her uncles Hades, she is also close to, it’s Zeus at times, that had problems, the family fondly call them issues. These are some of the spiritual individuals, she calls family at times.


Her marriages to Lucifer were great, but later Lucifer along with several others would renege on those very same marriages. That’s why they became a part of the self same outcomes, the disdainful losers she would hardly be speaking to in later years, or even acknowledging, but that would come later.


The Under Water Kingdom however, well that that was something, that was something she loved. The first time The Royal Queen visited The Underwater Kingdom it appeared to her as if out of nowhere. The deep water surrounded her spiritually, and she was there, trying to figure out if she could still breath, she really thought it would surround her, and she was afraid to breath, but at some point she was clear, this really does exist, and if you just relaxed, well you could breath under water. She could feel the cool, clear, warm depth, of the water. It became one of her favorite places, then as now, though a child of the heavens, her love of The Underwater Kingdom, has never been forgotten.During their brief, but significant separations, to Lucifer, a spiritual being whom she was wed to in spirit, but not necessarily in flesh, she would at times stay there to reminisce on what went wrong, or correct during their marriages. It truly is and was one of her favorite places. Not only a favorite place, but it was safe, A Spiritual Place her spiritual kingdom was also there, within The Under Water Kingdom. When she was there in later years, she would be there inside A Spiritual Place, and within The Under Water Kingdom, and she was just safe. A Spiritual Place is also one of her favorite locations, a spiritual kingdom, that is there on the face of the planet. That feeling of safety, and a little bit of belonging was there in those moments. During those moments and at times Poseidon was there, and during those turbulent years, he was always supportive, looking out for her, and keeping her safe. Thus her dad, and the one that named her Aurora, after them lights above, The Aurora Borealis.

Her spiritual children stayed there at times, and other children, during the years when it was the safest place to stay.

Hell Province
(Lucifer’s former realm)

When The Royal Queen met Lucifer officially for the first time, it was because she was being held captive, she had met him before a few times previously, when her friend Kevin, Kevin-John of the spiritual heavens, had signed a contract with him. She found a way to have Kevin released from his contract, and then he was safe again for a time. Kevin is the male companion, guardian, best friend that would be there, he is the one that she had hoped for, for so many years. He was a best friend, that was kindred to a kind, a friend that she could trust. He is now mentioned, suitably, because to mention him fully, would take several dozen years, if not centuries, and we only have a brief time to get the words of the story told.

Lucifer when she met him again, she was being held captive by Harry, someone who would grow to be the villain in her story, someone that likely fancies himself a bit of a dedicated villain, similar to a character he once read about, but unlike the admirable one, this one tends to be a irrepressible villain at times.  To villain add creature, monster, at times, and the one that stole, kidnapped, and destroyed Kevin. Harry so boy like at times, then so monstrously horrific at other times. Harry who can have childlike innocence confirmed in his outcomes, and situations one minute, and Harry, who can so destroy it, in another.

He never liked Kevin is what she can recall now, from the first, when they had the chance to associate, he never liked him, and it was his absolute goal to destroy one so sweet, innocent, and suitable as Kevin, he could eventually succeed. Back then Kevin was himself, and he never trusted Harry, in fact Kevin was sure he was up to something, pulling a scam or something, as her guardian, he could always sense such things. The Royal Queen for a moment, hoped that some of their troubles might be behind them, and they might be up for some lighter times, but she was also clear, since he was not fond of Kevin, it could not be the correct thing, for whom she thought, could really not be found of a Kevin.

But that was Kevin, and Harry. Lucifer on the other hand was another story. Shortly after she met him, he exited everything that was familiar to him, and went back to The Heavens. He said that he had created a lot the darkness in the world, but humanity had created more darkness than he had ever created, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it, he didn’t want anything to do with any of it, and he was existing. He was going to be leaving Hell, and he was leaving it all to her, he didn’t care what she did with it. He just didn’t want anything to do with the darkness anymore, and that’s how Lucifer existed Hell, and re-entered The Heavens.

She had been to Hell Province before, shortly after meeting with Lucifer, Hell Province back then was more formally, or rather informally just called Hell. She had sent pizza here and there to hell province. It was something she would do the odd time, after she meet Lucifer, and he went out of his way to assist her with her captivity from whence she was being held. It was still just Hell back then, quaint, it had not been remodeled yet, and the men of Hell Province use to just hang about. You know they use to just hang about, in Hell as it were, doing much of nothing, which means, a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. It was literally to become one of the most interesting times in her history, and one of the most interesting times in human history.

The Royalty

The Royalty

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System is a universal cash exchange system.  It is a spiritual based system.

The system has been in operation for over two years, and has proven to be safe, secure, and efficient. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System was created by The Royal Queen. Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System has built in guidelines, and mechanisms, that enable the system to be in the correct situations. This means that there are some transactions that  can and can not be done. The system is not eligible to be used for what is deemed, unsuitable or ineligible practices, purchases, or transactions in advance because safeguards are built in.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System can be used for offline, and suitable online transactions. The built in safety features protect against specific fraudulent situations, transactions, or interactions.

The Royalty

The Royalty is a Spiritual Based Coin. The Royalty is the official Coin of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. It is based on a gold standard. The Royalty is stored in spiritual based bank accounts, and your information is kept secure with the safeguards that are built in, such as the unique identifier system. This extra measure provides you with the piece of mind that you need.

The Royalty can be exchanged with most currencies. There is no fee associated with exchanging currencies. Sending money is secure and safe.

Unique Identifiers

The Unique Identifier system is a secure way of verifying the identify of an individual, utilizing only uniquely identified information available only to that individual.

They are more secure than passwords, and user names. They are more secure than swipe cards, because they are ever present. They are a spiritually based product, and they are revolutionary in the way they do things.

The funds are stored in spiritual based accounts. These spiritual based accounts are kept secure, and your details private. The funds are then sent by logging into your account, confirming your identity, and advising which account you would like to have the funds sent, transferred from, or received into. You can even set up reoccurring payments with these accounts. Thus paying your bills on a reoccurring basis.

The Royalty and The Royal Queen Authority Financial System have been used by millions of individuals.

When myth became legend 2

The Royal Queen lifted the curses

Upon the day she was born, when myth became legend, she lifted the curses, and she and others were eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct things, and have the correct things happening to her.

What was not known then to The Royal Queen, is that she was a Royal person, her mother thought they were just from a normal family, as did her father. they were happy enough when she was born, but they had no idea that in the background, when myth became legend was occurring, and that they child they had was the one, the Royal one that others had waited for to lift the curse, or those curses for that time, and lift them she did.

She grew up normally enough, clear that she was a normal person, clear that her mother was also, until a few years back, when myth became legend, and the spiritual realities, became a little bit too much to ignore.

What she would discover is not only was she a royal person, with a royal heritage, but she had also lifted some of the curses, but so did her mother, her father, his mother before him, and her grandfather, and her additional grandmother, their lines were considered a suitable family line, one that had remained hidden, a suitable line that was eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct things, but otherwise, to her knowledge, they grew up like normal individuals.

Until one day, these spiritual situations entered her existence, another royal person, claiming that he was the correct person, doing the correct thing, that he was the correct person for her situation, the one that she was suppose to marry, but he refused, because he wasn’t the correct situations, and he wanted the correct person for his situations, but he still wanted her spiritual authority, and power, and so on that day that he was going to be married, he would marry her spiritually, but on earth she would always appear to be in the incorrect situations doing the incorrect things.

Naturally she thought the whole thing was weirder than it had to be, and ignored it, assumed he was either joking, or not a real royal person, cause real royal persons, do not threaten to steal people’s spiritual kingdoms, and authority. Upon that day however he made good upon his word, and made her life a living hell, but as when myth became legend would have it, she discovered in time, that the prince needed one more thing, not just her spiritual authority, but he needed their line to survive, their bloodline.

Evidently it turns out, for the remaining curses to be lifted to continue his actual line, he need the girl in the situation, to be in the correct situation doing the correct thing, this he could not fulfill, instead he sought to destroy the girl and her reputation, portraying her as beggar, instead of a Queen, Pauper, instead of a Royal person.

So after he made good on his spiritual situations, and those in his court thought to do just one thing to the girl and her friends and family, she did just one thing, after months, and years of the same cruel torture, and he finally producing an heir with the person he brought into his situation, he thought to have the girl removed from her situations. For only a Royal person, only a Royal heir could lift the curses, only the actually bloodline that he sought, could have removed the curses, so she did, just one thing, with the last dwindling ambers of her humanity, and with the new born flames of her anger, she wished him just one thing, and she cursed him, oh how she cursed him, and all that was his, and all that were with him. For she made mention, saying just one thing, if she was not the one who removed the curses, if she was not the one eligible to be in the correct situations, doing the correct thing, then she could not possibly, be the one that lifted the curses, and so she cursed him, every curse, she and hers had ever lifted, she called back, she called them back into existence. Thus when the boy who was tasked to do one thing, and that one thing was to marry the girl in the situation, when he refused, and tried to use her most horribly, and horrendously, she cursed him, she cursed him, the boy arriving into the situation, cause then it would do one thing, everything would fail, until he became the correct person, and did the correct thing, and removed himself from her situation, and removed himself from her outcomes.

By the time the boy in the situation gave birth to a heir, the boy had become a monster. The girl had given birth to dozen of his heirs spiritually while in captivity mind you, but those children, they hoped to have them rounded up, and removed from their situations, and destroyed, thus proving when myth became legend once more. The children ran, and were hidden for a time, the mother, The Royal Queen, also remained hidden, and watched slowly as the curses were called back into existence.

The boy who was tasked to do just one thing, thought surly if he removes the girl, the girl for the situation, surly he could remove all her heirs and traces of her, take over her situations, and then name his current heir after her, and take over her empire, her kingdom, but he had forgotten one thing, her spiritual situations were one thing, for she was the sunshine spiritually, and her earth identity could not so easily be stolen, he found out in frustration, as myth became legend once more.

The towns people soon discovered, the curses indeed could not be lifted, and he soon discovered, try as he might to destroy her spiritually, her and her family could not easily be gathered and destroyed. He tortured them cruelly for months, and tried to systemically destroy them anyway possible, but she could not so easily be destroyed, she was different, she was made of sterner stuff. He thought to himself, certainly if I am in this situation, I will destroy the girl, she could not be anything suitable, I will name the heir after her, and steal her situations spiritually, but he could not, for she was someone maybe interesting, different, and purhapse, a little bit suitable, he had not counted on this. He has destroyed so many to come so far, he head destroyed legions to come this far, and he would destroy legions more, but the girl, the girl in the situation, ‘the bitch’, as he had started calling her, she was designed, designed to do one thing, and they had been designed, designed to do one thing, but that time was past.

The curses were all lifted spiritually, for her and her supporters, they seemed to be removed on earth, earth province, but for him, and his, the curses were there, all that had been removed, all that had been lifted were back, and he was clear that it was her. He had been so sure, he cried anguished, that if her gave birth to an heir, surly the child could be in the correct situations, he would just steal her situations, and pass it off as the child’s, but by then, the boy had become a monster, a creature, so set on destroying all in his path, his wake he could not see straight, he thought surely if her destroyed her family, her royal household, surely it would be that type of situations and none would be the wiser, because none would believe that she was something suitable, surely the world revolved around him, and it could never be her, but day by day, he was clear, she was going to fight back, brandishing sword, and wielding the pen, as one of her weapons, till when myth became legend indeed. He had been so sure, other had not withheld, surly she could not withhold much longer, but withhold she did, and day by day they grew to weary of him, they grew to despise him, for he was such a monster. To the world he seemed to be the most suitable, and polite thing, but in the background, he was one of the biggest monsters in human history, and so when myth became legend, she did all that she could do, she secured he situations spiritually as best as she could, because by then he was stealing and using her spiritual vision, or someone in his situation was. He was still trying to destroy her and use all of her spiritual situations, except for their unique identification information, he would have stolen all that was hers, and none would have been the wiser, but she was not that sort, she was of sterner stuff, and so when myth became legend once more. Her and her family unit, gathered, and sought to protect themselves, once more as best as they could, spiritually and on the face of the planet.

The boy arriving into the situation was asked, and tasked to do one thing, upon failing that, the whole thing would fail, but he could not see that yet, all he could see was that now the girl would need to be removed from her situations, and the heir’s she spiritually bore lost, and removed, the flight for their safety security, and the continuance of the line, the bloodline, was there once more, and when myth became legend was reborn once more.

Graduation Day

The Family Unit

CC-BY 2.0-Attr-TomMaisey2

The Family Unit finally graduated. They are not eligible to be in the incorrect
situations, but they need to be in the correct situations. It’s been a long road,
through sick, and thin, through thick, and thin, but they are here, we are here, we are a family unit. We work, because we function. We have everything that we need to survive. We have all the things we need in this world, and nothing that we don’t.

The family unit is international in their situations, in their outcomes, they are everything they need to be and nothing that they do not. Today they have removed some of their obstacles, from their situations, some of their obstacles from their outcomes, just by being, who they are meant to be, becoming, who they are meant to become.

The Children are not a little bit more clear about what is required, rules, regulations and so forth. They are still a work in progress, or works in progress, but who isn’t sometimes.