The Royal Queen

Jean-Honoré_Fragonard_-_La_lettre_d'amourRoyal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey

Years ago The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey decided to be The Royal Queen, she just didn’t know it at the time. Over the years she would have many adventures, many situations, that would create the person that she would become. There are so many parts to this person that created the whole.

On Earth she is a normal enough person, grew up the normal way, a dark haired, brown eyed girl. Light brown skin, average height, but above average height in boots, and has fun being herself. There is no one else on earth she can think that she might rather be, there is this one guy, rumour has it he has more fun than her, but that could be a myth, otherwise, she is pretty happy with her existence.

She has a normal Caribbean background, or heritage, but grew up in one of the most international Canadian cities on the face of the planet. Where she grew up is a vast majority of where her core established itself. Also her years of television watching, listening to radio, and reading, were primary contributors. That in brief is where her earth province up bringing came from.

She was a bit of a tomboy when she was younger, but always had to wear a dress to church. She would often look out for those that were younger, from the time she was a small child. Three or younger it was always that way with her, she is a big fan of Anne Of Green Gables, and other such strong willed characters, for they were plentiful in her childhood, and instrumental.

The Spiritual

Her spiritual existence is recent. She is the girl that walks around with the frequency, she never really thought she had a frequency, until a few years back. She would always wonder if people could hear her thoughts outloud, and use to think that it was silly. Now she is clear that it was not that silly.

Spiritually she has only become cognizant of her spiritual existence over the last few years, that’s when she really became aware of herself. Spiritually her features are all the same, except spiritually her eyes are kind of blue, and at first she could have sworn they were hazel. She is a bit of a Buffy spiritually, she has blond hair, blue eyes, and is white. It’s never clear why she resembles herself fully, but looks slightly different spiritually, in the sense that her hair, eyes, skin are different, otherwise her features are identical. It makes or has made for an interesting existence over the last few years, needless to say.

What’s also interesting about The Royal Queen is that spiritually, she has a twin. Her twin sister is a parallel world twin, an identical twin girl, with the exact same spiritual features. She is white with blond hair and blue eyes, but describes herself as a black person, even though her physical traits are white. Analorra has all the attitude that The Royal Queen is missing, is considered the cuter, more sexy twin of the two, and is considered more fun to be around. Everyone more or less loves an Analorra, Analorra Visic, but their existence is so strange, it doesn’t even make sense.

Analorra physical being is literally located in a parallel world, so even though they can hang out spiritually, Analorra would have to find an earth province person on this world, that is similar or the same, and see if she could exist in that way. Mostly her physical being is in her parallel world, where she also has blond hair, and blue eyes, and does or doesn’t resemble herself fully.

Lately Analorra does visit her twin sister, via what’s called a frequency suit, those enable a person to travel in ways never before dreamed or imagined. The Frequency suits enable parallel world individuals, transcended persons, spiritual based individuals, and galactic individuals to visit in ways not previously thought of.

The Adventure

The Royal Queen in her mature young life, has been through quite an adventure. Her earth province existence was fairly normal at first, till someone sent her into what would surly have been the path of her systemic destruction.

She would be systemically targeted for over a decade to fifteen years of her earth province existence. For no good reason, she would learn the battle field of her own existence, and she would learn to have a fighter, or warrior mentality. She would learn to multitask, and have have an entrepreneurial spirit. All these experiences, situations, and activities, would prepare her for a global situation.

Her world is the one that they ended up visiting, her world is the one that was aware. The watering hole that they all visited to learn the latest news, plots, conspiracies, and they visited this world on a global scale.

That was her world, then she met the first two Williams, and one other, who would serve but to place her, and her spiritual existence, into the incorrect situations, doing the incorrect things. That’s where the spiritual adventure begins, her and her friends before the end of it, would be kidnapped, raped, beaten, experimented on, systemically murdered spiritually, and returned from the great beyond several times.

Spiritually is where she would establish herself as The Royal Queen, spiritually is where her situations later begun to form. A Spiritual Place would be her primer kingdom, also spiritually is where she would establish her beginnings in building a global, and then universal empire.

The world she created spiritually, the most well manicured heavens ever created. This world would eventually be the only world, and in time they would become familiar with her, and the items she created. Little by little it is her, and her vision alone that would be remaining. The rest would fade, or be vanquished into the background.

The products and services she created, the rules and regulations she would establish would be the one that would govern them spiritually, on the face of the planet, and beyond. Eventually her rulership would be a universal one, but that would only occur in time.

The kingdom she would establish, A New Kingdom was what would be remaining, and it is the kingdom that spiritual kind, humanity, galactic, interplanetary, and dimensional kind would turn to, after the wars, and battles spiritually, for the take over of The Heavens.

Those are the situations that had been implemented it made it almost impossible to take over The Heavens, but what they could not take over, they could systemically break down and attempt to destroy. In time most of her earth province family would be destroyed it ways that would never show up physically, but emotionally they would not be the same sort of individuals, and they would never function the exact same way again, they became the sort she could not always trust or count on, those who sought to destroy her, could not destroy her, so they went after them heavily, and horribly. It was one of the worst times in human history, but their atrocities would not be documented the same ways that others had.

Since they could not take over the exact same way they had hoped, they also gathered up the rest of humanity, they had a plan, and had it not been for the girl, and the situations that she created, most of humanity would have been lost, enslaved behind the scenes, hopelessly lost, powerless, but to do the bidding of those who had captured, them and held sway.

The Royal Queen would sit and wonder at times, were they ever grateful for anything, or any of the scarfices? Unknown, but most really just started to function in the incorrect ways, behind the scenes, others acted out openly, becoming the individuals they had not envisioned. Those who sought to break them, broke them well. Others they just systemically removed from their existences. It was a global clearing, a war that had been fought, and was still being fought behind the scenes. Having the local informants, and monitoring units, gathering spiritual, human, dimensional, and even galactic kind alike. Raping them and systemically destroying them for what would be dozens, upon dozens of spiritual years alike, till those rank, foul, existences, slowly started to become their realities. They spared no mercy for men, women, or children, they were all the same things to them, and they raped, molested, and violated them all the same way.

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