The Places Of A New Kingdom

The Places Of A New Kingdom


The Under Water Kingdom
(Poseidon’s Kingdom)`The Underwater Kingdom is the stuff of fables and legends, but really, The Royal Queen, just calls it her father’s kingdom, it’s a place she called home briefly, during her brief (non) marriage to Lucifer. It was their third or forth  time being married again, and it was where they stayed in part. She calls it her fathers kingdom, because even though Poseidon is not her song father, at the highest spiritual level, he is the one she relates to most, and calls dad. Her uncles Hades, she is also close to, it’s Zeus at times, that had problems, the family fondly call them issues. These are some of the spiritual individuals, she calls family at times.


Her marriages to Lucifer were great, but later Lucifer along with several others would renege on those very same marriages. That’s why they became a part of the self same outcomes, the disdainful losers she would hardly be speaking to in later years, or even acknowledging, but that would come later.


The Under Water Kingdom however, well that that was something, that was something she loved. The first time The Royal Queen visited The Underwater Kingdom it appeared to her as if out of nowhere. The deep water surrounded her spiritually, and she was there, trying to figure out if she could still breath, she really thought it would surround her, and she was afraid to breath, but at some point she was clear, this really does exist, and if you just relaxed, well you could breath under water. She could feel the cool, clear, warm depth, of the water. It became one of her favorite places, then as now, though a child of the heavens, her love of The Underwater Kingdom, has never been forgotten.During their brief, but significant separations, to Lucifer, a spiritual being whom she was wed to in spirit, but not necessarily in flesh, she would at times stay there to reminisce on what went wrong, or correct during their marriages. It truly is and was one of her favorite places. Not only a favorite place, but it was safe, A Spiritual Place her spiritual kingdom was also there, within The Under Water Kingdom. When she was there in later years, she would be there inside A Spiritual Place, and within The Under Water Kingdom, and she was just safe. A Spiritual Place is also one of her favorite locations, a spiritual kingdom, that is there on the face of the planet. That feeling of safety, and a little bit of belonging was there in those moments. During those moments and at times Poseidon was there, and during those turbulent years, he was always supportive, looking out for her, and keeping her safe. Thus her dad, and the one that named her Aurora, after them lights above, The Aurora Borealis.

Her spiritual children stayed there at times, and other children, during the years when it was the safest place to stay.

Hell Province
(Lucifer’s former realm)

When The Royal Queen met Lucifer officially for the first time, it was because she was being held captive, she had met him before a few times previously, when her friend Kevin, Kevin-John of the spiritual heavens, had signed a contract with him. She found a way to have Kevin released from his contract, and then he was safe again for a time. Kevin is the male companion, guardian, best friend that would be there, he is the one that she had hoped for, for so many years. He was a best friend, that was kindred to a kind, a friend that she could trust. He is now mentioned, suitably, because to mention him fully, would take several dozen years, if not centuries, and we only have a brief time to get the words of the story told.

Lucifer when she met him again, she was being held captive by Harry, someone who would grow to be the villain in her story, someone that likely fancies himself a bit of a dedicated villain, similar to a character he once read about, but unlike the admirable one, this one tends to be a irrepressible villain at times.  To villain add creature, monster, at times, and the one that stole, kidnapped, and destroyed Kevin. Harry so boy like at times, then so monstrously horrific at other times. Harry who can have childlike innocence confirmed in his outcomes, and situations one minute, and Harry, who can so destroy it, in another.

He never liked Kevin is what she can recall now, from the first, when they had the chance to associate, he never liked him, and it was his absolute goal to destroy one so sweet, innocent, and suitable as Kevin, he could eventually succeed. Back then Kevin was himself, and he never trusted Harry, in fact Kevin was sure he was up to something, pulling a scam or something, as her guardian, he could always sense such things. The Royal Queen for a moment, hoped that some of their troubles might be behind them, and they might be up for some lighter times, but she was also clear, since he was not fond of Kevin, it could not be the correct thing, for whom she thought, could really not be found of a Kevin.

But that was Kevin, and Harry. Lucifer on the other hand was another story. Shortly after she met him, he exited everything that was familiar to him, and went back to The Heavens. He said that he had created a lot the darkness in the world, but humanity had created more darkness than he had ever created, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it, he didn’t want anything to do with any of it, and he was existing. He was going to be leaving Hell, and he was leaving it all to her, he didn’t care what she did with it. He just didn’t want anything to do with the darkness anymore, and that’s how Lucifer existed Hell, and re-entered The Heavens.

She had been to Hell Province before, shortly after meeting with Lucifer, Hell Province back then was more formally, or rather informally just called Hell. She had sent pizza here and there to hell province. It was something she would do the odd time, after she meet Lucifer, and he went out of his way to assist her with her captivity from whence she was being held. It was still just Hell back then, quaint, it had not been remodeled yet, and the men of Hell Province use to just hang about. You know they use to just hang about, in Hell as it were, doing much of nothing, which means, a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. It was literally to become one of the most interesting times in her history, and one of the most interesting times in human history.

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