Graduation Day

The Family Unit

CC-BY 2.0-Attr-TomMaisey2

The Family Unit finally graduated. They are not eligible to be in the incorrect
situations, but they need to be in the correct situations. It’s been a long road,
through sick, and thin, through thick, and thin, but they are here, we are here, we are a family unit. We work, because we function. We have everything that we need to survive. We have all the things we need in this world, and nothing that we don’t.

The family unit is international in their situations, in their outcomes, they are everything they need to be and nothing that they do not. Today they have removed some of their obstacles, from their situations, some of their obstacles from their outcomes, just by being, who they are meant to be, becoming, who they are meant to become.

The Children are not a little bit more clear about what is required, rules, regulations and so forth. They are still a work in progress, or works in progress, but who isn’t sometimes.

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