Who is The Royal Queen

The Royal Queen

Allegry_Treaty_of_the_Pyrenees_Louvre_INV20349Who is The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey. She is a
universal queen. Her queenship is actually a variety of things. She is a galactic queen, interplanetary, and multidimensional. Her queenship has been called and defined as an uber queenship, because it expands throughout all of New Kingdom.

A New Kingdom

A New Kingdom is a vast empire or kingdom, that spans throughout space, time, and eternity. It consists of a variety of places, and locations, palaces, family units, it is said to be one of the wealthiest Empires or Kingdoms ever created, because from the ashes of so many previous kingdoms, A New Kingdom came to be.

At the heart mind and soul of A New Kingdom is A Spiritual Place, a
knowledgebase, a family unit, and bill 184. The soul of New Kingdom is A Spiritual Place. Those are the tangible intangibles. The other heart, mind, and soul of New Kingdom is Head of New Kingdom, Underwater Kingdom, and Hades. The Heart is the underwater kingdom, the mind is head of New Kingdom, and the soul is Hades.

New Kingdom encompasses 32 plus one galactic province, An Earth Province, The Underwater Kingdom, Hell Province, Head of New Kingdom, 2 English Empires, 2 Russian Empires, A multidimensional realm, Hell 2, Hades, The Divine Realm, Constantine Empire, Napoleonic Empire, Alexandrian Empire, The Heavens, The Hidden Realm, Some unknown and known places.

The Royal Queen herself

Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, is a spiritual queen, but she is also an earth province queen, she is a magical queen, but she is also a real world person. Her empire and kingdom is the first of it’s kind, as is The Royal Queen’s situation, which was created and designed specifically for her.

Because of the size of her kingdom, she has several smaller queenship, but The Royal Queen is the uber queenship that governs them all. New Kingdom has several representatives, that sit on these kingships, and queenships, representatives that assist her with her care, maintenance and governance.

She is also head of one of the most unique, and dynamic family units ever created. The family unit is the heart of her New Kingdom, they are some of the most creative, sweet, dynamic children, they are hundreds of individuals that were part of the original family unit, but over the spiritual generations they have grown. Spiritually at least 14-24 generations have gone by, there are now thousands, then millions that encompass the family unit. Most she has never meet, but spiritually they are her children, and her children’s
children. She has only been listed as The Royal Queen on Earth Province for the last 2-3 years, but spiritually, her and her family unit are well known.

For the heavens and beyond one of the first things The Royal Queen did was create a global, but also a galactic force, called The Royal Order, they are a galactic force, and they assist with protecting New Kingdom and keeping it safe.

In addition to being a bit of a Royal and magical queen at times, she is also a bit of a mogal, and has created a mogalistic, dynastic empire. Her empire can be felt spiritually, on the face of the planet, and beyond.

The Fully Functioning series. Consisting of hotels spiritually, functioning homes, offices, rehabilitation centers, schools, libraries, maximum holding centers, retail stores, ans so much more.

She also created The Royal Queen Authority Financial System, The Cash Exchange System provides gold, silver, cash, and delivers other items. It’s a galactic, interplanetary, multidimensional cash exchange system.

The Royal Queen also created The Royal Queen Support Services System, it’s a universal HELP ME GRID system, and it works spiritually, as well as on Earth Province and beyond. It can be activated by saying HELP ME. It’s a universal GRID system that has now been implemented in every part of A New Kingdom.

She also created The Royal Queen Security Clearances. These security
clearances are now used in every portion and section of New Kingdom. Some locations, all locations, require The Royal Queen Security Clearances. You can not get into many situation without them. They work with something called a Unique Identifier System, which was also created by The Royal Queen. You might say The Unique Identifier System is one of The most important of her creations, all of her citizens and subjects now have one.

Personal Identifiers are the first product created by The Royal Queen, one of the first, and they are used in a variety of ways throughout New Kingdom, they are a wireless telephone, but also used to provide health care assessments, they are used to provide directional situations, they are used to protect and secure your home when away, in addition to a variety of other situations.

If this song should be sung, enables you to know if a song has been sung. It now comes with 3 different settings. It’s a neat little product, and it’s used by many throughout New Kingdom, it’s also used to protect children with a slightly different settings.

She has also created something called If this crime should be committed, which works in a similar fashion, to if this song should be sung.

She has redefined how kingships work and function. Individuals are called into the thrones, or into the situations. Previously situations were elected, or inherited, which is not the incorrect thing, but her rulership tries to ensure that the correct people are in the correct situations.

She also believes very strongly in the family unit. they are what is at the heart of A New Kingdom, when The Family Unit is strong, then the rest of the Kingdom is strong.

In summary, The Royal Queen is her own person, with a queenship that was specifically designed with her in mind, it is her own situation, and there will never be another Royal Queen, some thing she is Victoria herself reincarnated, some just think her a little crazy, but mostly she is her own person, she needs no funding from anyone, because she has created one of the wealthiest empires in human, spiritual, galactic history.

Quilts and Mazes

To her credit The Royal Queen, created one of the most extravagant, and dynamic maze system, she also created a quilt system to assist the citizens of New Kingdom, those situations are now fully starting to show up on Earth Province, and thus her rulership is now starting to be felt.

The trappings of her kingdom are only now becoming more obvious on Earth Province, but her items have been used, and utilized, spiritually and beyond for years.

The Royal Queen’s Day

Much like Victoria Day, it falls within the Gemini cycle, and it’s a Day of celebration for the Royal Queen, it’s going to be help for the first time in early June, and within New Kingdom. It’s going to be help the 5th of June this year, and every year after, in celebration of The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey.

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