The Royal Queen Presents Mazes

When The Royal Queen and her children were stationed at the Robot Sentient project, The Royal Queen for their spiritual captivity created a series of mazes
to ensure their safety, and freedom.

The mazes were in part based on previous labyrinths of old. The ideas was to
have a maze where only specific individuals could pass through, and others could
not. The Royal Queens was fairly innovative, in the sense that it had many
elements that had not previously been envisioned.

The Royal Queen’s Maze

Maze Requirements-The original mazes had an outer layer, and they formed the
basis of her maze, but within this structure, you could use your own Maze

Sanctuaries The Sanctuaries are places of rest within the maze, places of
sanctuary, that only specific individuals have access to.

Dimensional Portals-For those with multi-world access, there are dimensional

Galactic Portals-For those with out realm access, they provide an easy access
for those with the correct Royal Queen Security Clearances.

Quilts -Missing Quilt. -A quilt for those lost or missing.
-The Royal Queen’s Quilt. -A Quilt for the subjects of

Family Units-Places of rest that can be accessed.

A Spiritual Place-A Spiritual Place. A Spiritual Kingdom, individual entry
points were available within some of these maze points.

Dirty Old Man Fog- literally a fog in the labyrinth that surrounds the incorrect,
and assists the correct individuals.

Old Alone Done For Cloud– For those who are not doing the correct things, the
sentiment is there in advance.
Lure- Hidden Realm Lore, meaning fairytale realm lore. The idea was that some
aspects of the fairytale realm, meaning hidden realm would protect those in the
maze and keep them safe, while moving past the others that were not eligible.

Exits– At times it was hoped that the mazes would assist with an exist from The Robot Sentient Project.

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome

The Royal Queen is the only situation and A New Kingdom is the only outcome.

Bill 184. Passed by The Royal Queen to enable her subjects to have the chance to become the correct people and do the correct things.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System. A spiritual financial system, that is also an intergalactic, interplanetary, multidemensional system. The system is used in spiritual settings, as well as on earth province and other places. You can do all your necessary required financial transactions, plus order other really neat items. The Royal Queen Authority Financial System uses The Royalty as the main coin, but is a multi currency financial system.

Royal Queen Security Clearances. These are the new security clearances that are used all over the place, they are a spiritual based security system. The clearances are based on classes as well as levels, eg. Business class, level 45, etc. The higher the number the better. They are used in conjunction with the unique identifier system, and are some of the most secure clearances, and shielding.

Unique Identifier System. This is a system that enables financial transactions, and secure unique idenfifications. They are based on the individual, and can not be copied or duplicated, and thus work.

Eg. Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey

1. Creator of if this song should be sung.

2. Creator of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System.

3. Creator of Personal Identifiers.

If this song should be sung. Is a spiritual product, that enables you spiritually and on earth province to know if a song has been sung into existance. It’s immidiate and it works.

Personal Identifiers. They have been called the wireless telephone, but they do so much more than that, they are a extended version of a personal communication, location, security, companion device, that can do more than imagined.

Family Units. The family units were created by The Royal Queen Spiritually, they are based on the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, and they can now be access by most average persons that are a part of her situations. The family units much like the Fully Functioning Foundling homes, were created for her spiritual family, but are available on the face of the planet.

Knowledgebase. A knowledgebase system similar to the another spiritual record system, that enable the user to ask question, and get answers, also a spiritual archiving system.

New Kingdom Quilts. There are over 13 created. Some are just for The Royal Queen and her spiritual family, such as the Family Quilt, Mommies Quilt, Victoria Quilt, and some are available to everyone, such as The Royal Queens Quilt, Diversity Quilt, and the Missing Quilt. Some are specialized such as the Royal Order Quilt, etc.