

The Royal Queen overcame many obstacles to come into her situation. Along with the unified realms that would become a part of New Kingdom, she also had to overcome several other obstacles.

Legion of informants and spies. These were in her life well before she came into her role as The Royal Queen. They continually followed, tracked, kept files on her, and sought to systemically destroy her life. These were in her life years before she understood, or had any scope of the role she was destined to fulfill.

The Old Monarchy were also a part of the path she had to carve out. They understood she had a role, destiny to fulfill, and did everything in their power to remover her from her path. What should have been a great union to a dwindling empire, would turn into a nightmare for her and her innocent friends sent to assist her along the way. The Old Monarchy would place every road block in her path, every obstacle, there was not a throne they did not place along her path.

The United States Special Operations Branch would later play an integral role in her life, she and her friend just didn’t know it at the time. In their naivety and innocence, they would be captured, held captive, experimented on, and exposed to some of the worst horrors in human history. They would be spiritual captives for years, before they could plan their escape, and they would be almost destroyed to the point of breaking.

Even after their escape it would be years before they understood the role that this silent shadow would play in the role and lives of spiritual persons, and the battle for New Kingdom. They would do some of the most horrific things to try and herald in their rule, and she would do everything in her power to stop them.

The facilities were monstrous places where people were held captive, experimented on, until their very wills were broken, their spiritual existences ruined or removed. Many times they would walk around in their earth province existences without knowing what was truly happening.

In her case The Royal Queen would be all too aware of what was happening, of the shifts, changes, and events that would shape the lives of those in the heavens. She would be at the heart and soul of the battle for New Kingdom, and the need to secure the Kingdom for future generations to come.

Hebrews 4:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

5 thoughts on “Obsticles

  1. […] are ones she inherited of a sort. Most of them involved a long fought battle, with many of the obsticles that are in her path. The first few assesst were being disputed because she didn’t come into […]

  2. […] are ones she inherited of a sort. Most of them involved a long fought battle, with many of the obsticles that are in her path. The first few assesst were being disputed because she didn’t come into […]

  3. […] are ones she inherited of a sort. Most of them involved a long fought battle, with many of the obsticles that are in her path. The first few assesst were being disputed because she didn’t come into […]

  4. […] are ones she inherited of a sort. Most of them involved a long fought battle, with many of the obsticles that are in her path. The first few assesst were being disputed because she didn’t come into […]

  5. […] the fandoms were transferred by the obsticles, to another timeline, and part of their adventure spiritually became how to make their way back to […]

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