The Family Quilt

The Royal Queen is a eclectic mixture of family history and backgrounds. On earth province she is a dark haired, brown eyed, brown skinned girl. She has a fairly normal black earth province family, but spiritually her ancestry is quite diverse. Spiritually she has pale eyes, light hair, and is related so some of the most interesting people in human history.

The family quilt is the most interesting family quilt every created, and this is a brief listing of the family quilt.

The Basic Tenants

A Futuristic Teleportation Time Travelling Society

A Futuristic Teleportation Timetravelling Society. In creating a world for her family and friends, The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey ended up creating a futuristic, teleportation, timetravelling society. A society where you have the heart, mind and soul of New Kingdom being the family unit, the knowledgebase, and A Spiritual Place, but in addition to this, the citizens are entitled to her care and governance.

Bill 184

One of the first rights that each citizen has is something called Bill 184, it literally gives them the chance to become the correct person, and do the correct things. The bill covers a world of themes, and it’s one of the most important items afforded to citizens of A New Kingdom.

Royal Queen Security Clearances

The next thing neat thing about New Kingdom is that each citizen has their citizenships that are granted by The Royal Queen. They can request their Royal Queen Security Clearances and their citizenships, these items work in conjunction to enable each citizen, and none citizen alike to understand the perimeter of their clearance. Where they can visit, and what their security level clearance statuses are. These items can and do change on a regular bases, so therefore the items are updated on a regular and reoccurring basis.

Natural Courses outcomes

This item actually helps the citizens of New Kingdom, to determine the items that belong to them. Therefore it’s important that they log in at least once in their lifetimes. The other neat thing this does is it entitles the citizens, to partake in The Royal Queen’s futuristic teleportation, timetravelling society.

Rules and Regulations for care and governance

The Royal Queen has created a series of rules and regulations for the care and governance of the citizens of New Kingdom. The rules help to ensure the safety of the citizens, but to also enable others to understand the perimeters of what’s acceptable and not acceptable within the confines of her  kingdom. Just like most other societies, the rules are there, they are working, and if you have a question, you can always ask her.

The Family Quilt

This is a unique items that’s sent to members of her immediate family and extended family. Members of her Royal household can request this item, it enables them the capacity to visit places, and locations belonging to The Royal Queen without all the bother of travelling all the normal routes. It also gives each member of the family, the opportunity to understand their unique family history, and some of the additional items that The Royal Queen has in her care and possession.

The Knowledgebase

This is similar to the Akashic Records. The archive is based on the mind, knowledge, and wisdom of The Royal Queen. That was the base used for the knowledgebase. It’s also a well of knowledge that archives information for the individuals in New Kingdom. It enables the citizens to be some of the most educated citizens in New Kingdom. The knowledgebase is something utilized by some of the most highly functioning individuals in New Kingdom, on a daily basis.

A Spiritual Place

A Spiritual Place is her spiritual kingdom, but it’s also a universal kingdom, and it’s the soul of A New Kingdom. Those who are able to enter A Spiritual Place are able to travel various places in a matter of minutes, they are able to encounter some of the original citizens of A Spiritual Place. It’s a place to share ideas, beauty, and to truly be a little bit more enlightened. Only those in the correct situation can enter A Spiritual Place, and once you are there, you can choose to share your experience of A Spiritual Place with others, or you can keep your experience private. It’s one of the safest environments on the face of earth province, and the heavens. Many of the younger citizens of New Kingdom can be found playing there in safety.

The Family Unit

The Family Unit is the heart of New Kingdom, it’s there because through the good and the bad, through all the upheavals, the journey’s, good and bad, the family pulled together. They kept themselves together through some of the most horrific things ever imagined. They had real love for each other, a bond that will hopefully never be broken, for years down the line to come.

The family units are a place of love, unity, and bonding, it’s where they citizen go to feel safe, to connect with their family groups, and to be a part of the heart of a really great society. The main thing that differentiates New Kingdom from other Kingdoms is the family unit, it’s more important that anything else, because it’s believed that strong family units will create a strong, well balanced kingdom.

The Royal Milk

The Royal Milk

The Royal Queen’s Milk is the only milk product used in all of New Kingdom. It’s prized for it’s ability to heal, and to put the rosie glow, and plumpness in the checks and skin of adults, as well as children. Everyone in New Kingdom uses either The Royal Milk or products made from its derivatives.

The Royal Milk belongs strictly to The Royal Queen and her offspring in spirit. It’s one of the healthiest items ever created, and it’s 100% all natural, as it comes from The Royal Queen herself.

The Royal Milk at this time is not sold on earth province, because on earth province, The Royal Milk is not yet able to be produced by The Royal Queen, it’s only sold in the other realms. On earth province The Royal Queen is still very much single, and her offspring are only in pre-existence states in the other realms.

Mountain of the Kings

This is a new tradition started by The Royal Queen. Whenever new kings are going to be called forth for the English section of New Kingdom, they are said to be birth by The Mountain of the Kings.

The kings are called forth, and spend a brief space of time within the mountain itself. How they enter the mountain is unclear, it’s a bit of a mystery, but once they leave, if they survive their stay, they are then cristened into the post of being the New Kings, for the English section of New Kingdom.



The Royal Queen overcame many obstacles to come into her situation. Along with the unified realms that would become a part of New Kingdom, she also had to overcome several other obstacles.

Legion of informants and spies. These were in her life well before she came into her role as The Royal Queen. They continually followed, tracked, kept files on her, and sought to systemically destroy her life. These were in her life years before she understood, or had any scope of the role she was destined to fulfill.

The Old Monarchy were also a part of the path she had to carve out. They understood she had a role, destiny to fulfill, and did everything in their power to remover her from her path. What should have been a great union to a dwindling empire, would turn into a nightmare for her and her innocent friends sent to assist her along the way. The Old Monarchy would place every road block in her path, every obstacle, there was not a throne they did not place along her path.

The United States Special Operations Branch would later play an integral role in her life, she and her friend just didn’t know it at the time. In their naivety and innocence, they would be captured, held captive, experimented on, and exposed to some of the worst horrors in human history. They would be spiritual captives for years, before they could plan their escape, and they would be almost destroyed to the point of breaking.

Even after their escape it would be years before they understood the role that this silent shadow would play in the role and lives of spiritual persons, and the battle for New Kingdom. They would do some of the most horrific things to try and herald in their rule, and she would do everything in her power to stop them.

The facilities were monstrous places where people were held captive, experimented on, until their very wills were broken, their spiritual existences ruined or removed. Many times they would walk around in their earth province existences without knowing what was truly happening.

In her case The Royal Queen would be all too aware of what was happening, of the shifts, changes, and events that would shape the lives of those in the heavens. She would be at the heart and soul of the battle for New Kingdom, and the need to secure the Kingdom for future generations to come.

Hebrews 4:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Royal Queen’s Table

The Royal Queen’s Table.  Fondly referenced to as R.Q.T. or Royal Queen’s Table is a form of governance that came about when the Royal Queen was first getting established, it’s an informal way of dropping by, but also dealing with matters of state and family. It became the standard form of understanding the issues of the day that were, or that would become important to the citizens of New Kingdom.