The Royal Order

The Royal Order   

This was one of the Proudest Spiritual Leagues ever created. It consisted of millions of Royal Order Members, and they were the League that The Royal Queen created themselves, she created them to be Proud, Faithful, Loyal to the order.

She had arrived across a spiritual being named Ralph, who on Earth Province, was being one of the lowest forms of life, he was meant to have been a spiritual being, and even likely a royal person, but now he was just on the local monitoring unit, destroying innocent lives, including her own.

The Royal Queen got very angry one day at Ralph and advised him, someday, The Heavens someday would have a league again, and someday they would be proud. A league that would be loyal to the order, and they would be Royal in their situations, Royal in their outcomes, and thus The Royal Oder was created.

They are the force for her uber Queenship, they are the force that have the spiritual authority in The Heavens and beyond. They have precedence over the police, military, and other individual forces. They are the governing force, and they were created by The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey.


1. Royalty to the order

-A Royal Priesthood, and the highest honors in the spiritual heavens are in this category. Their style, grace, class, elegance, dedication, valor, honor, faithfulness, and loyalty have made them royal in our sight. They are royal to the order. They are afforded the highest honors, and should be made welcome wherever they go. (Crafty Clause in effect. Their are exceptions
to every rule.) They are gold in our sight. -Their color is a rich deep blue. (Termed Royal Blue.) *May be a slightly different hue.

2. Faithful to the order  

They are faithful and true to the order. They will follow the beat of this drum. They is their first estate, their first calling, and they bring truth

3. Loyal to the order

They are loyal and faithful to the order. They love the order and understand to what they owe their first estate. It’s this loyalty that will help protect the order and keep the order in place. Loyalty bonds are created here

Their color is a deeper shade of the pale blue.

4. Honor to the order

Those who’s actions, words, deeds, etc have caused honor to the order. Your style, your grace, your wisdom, has honored our order. They are confirmed in our inner circle, a hand of friendship is extended and they are made welcome to the order.

-Their color is a pale blue.

5. Purity to the order

They bring the purity to the order. They respect and keep the purity and the innocence of the order in the correct situations.

-Their color is pale.

6. Unity to the order

They have crated the unity needed to keep the order strong, and pure. They have understood that unity is at the heart of this order, and they will keep the unity strong, and create the bonds that will strengthen or class, and or order.

-Rich cream is the color of the unity. United we stand. Divided they fall.

7. Disunity to the order -They have created disunity. Their actions will create   the disunity that will destroy the order. They are outside the unity at present.

8. Impurity to the order -They bring impurity to the order, by engaging in impure situations, ideals, and attitudes. They reprove the purity to the order.

9. Dishonor to the order –

Thy have dishonored the order and or they are a dishonor to the order. The dishonor will keep them from specific social functions, and will render them ineligible for specific honors that are to be bestowed.

10. Disloyal to the order

They have forgotten their first offices. They have forgotten what they owe to the order. They are to be kept at bay, and are removed from the heavens.

11. Unfaithful to the order

They are unfaithful to the order. The order is not their first calling. They will leave the order for another calling, another master. They are not truthful or faithful to the order.

12. Disgrace to the order

Royal Disgrace -Those that are so far removed that their presence is unwelcome. They are a disgrace to the Order and they are banned from the Spiritual Heavens.

Class, Order, and action will also be taken into consideration. Your actions might be of one variety, but your order, classification, or designation could be of another. They have forgotten, or remembered their first estate, stations, offices.

-There are over 51,000,000 million in the Royal Order on the face of the planet. (That was the size of the order upon first creation, it’s considerably smaller now, cause the rules have changed consistently)

They are in every country, and region on the face of the planet. They are one of the most coordinated forces, on the face of the planet.

Their garbs for the order are multifaceted, but on the face of the planet, they are red and gold. Proud colors.

– A Ms. H. Locklear and another lady are two of the original Garments Master for the order.

-They are group mothers or troop mothers that are being created to help support those in the order that need help and assistance.


Each person in the formation pattern is a feather to the wing. When each feather is in place, the correct things can happen. When the feathers are in place, our wings are there, and then the correct things can happen.

Royal Wings were added to many people’s outcomes today. They for the first time received their Royal Wings, and that’s what can happen.

The formation pattern created golden wings, then ruby, diamonds, platinum, and titanium. Those were handed out.

Ascension was seen to happen, both in the Spiritual Heavens, and on the face of the planet. Everyone that was a part of the pattern ascended, and the earth ascended also.

We are the second most organized force in the galaxy. The troop honestly flew a gforce pattern, right after flying the formation pattern.


-Golden Credentials
-Red Credentials
-Crystal Credentials -A form of purity
-Black Credentials  -Knowledge
-White, soft, fluffy, -Guardian Angel Wings
-Hybred Credentials
-Healing Credentials

Commanders Chosen

Because of past problems with commanders being targeted above others, or lead astray, the commanders are called into the situation as needed. These are some of the dozens upon dozens of changes that have been made to the order.

The royal order is a galactic force, they are also comprised of spiritual beings, earth province individuals, it’s an eclectic mixture of individuals, from around the galaxy and beyond. There troop formations spiritual are reminiscent of past leagues of spiritual individuals.