The Royalty

A Tribute to Queen Victoria The Royalty is a coin in it’s own right, and it honors, great coins and persons that have gone before. (Pictured above is a coin dedicated to Queen Victoria.

In honor of great coins everywhere, The Royalty is the official coin of The Royal Queen Authority Financial System.

Personal Identifiers

Personal Identifiers are the latest and most advanced technology ever created, they are being used in a wide variety of ways, they allow you to make wireless calls all across the face of the earth and beyond. They extend past the flesh and into spirit. The unique identifiers, and the personal identifiers, are beloved technology that are currently being used by a vast majority of individuals.

The Royal Queen Authority Financial System

This is one of the most important cash systems ever created. It’s a spiritual cash exchange system, and it’s used by a variety of individuals. It’s used on earth and it other places, and is shaping up to be one of the most widely known, and used cash exchange system.